目前这只是理论上的:我提供带有每个视频动态验证令牌的流。流通过 RTMPE 传输。当用户请求流时,服务器会为他生成一个流链接,其中包含唯一的令牌。然后他就可以在 Flash 播放器中观看了。我如何验证他没有下载它? (用户退出Flash播放器页面后,令牌将被删除,因此他无法永远保存流链接)。 RTMPE加密+temp-auth-token就够了吗?也许有一种方法可以让每个流只允许 1 个用户?
我无法访问 Hulu(因为我住在美国境外),但我确信他们有某种这种保护。
- 我不是在谈论模拟屏幕捕获。我只是希望原始文件是安全的。
- 我知道总会有办法捕获流。我只是想让它变得更难,这样只有计算机专业人员才能做到这一点。
- 该解决方案需要适用于 Java,因为我使用的整个服务器工具仅支持 Java。
- 请不要说:“您可以通过根本不提供视频来做到这一点”。我将视频传送到几乎所有设备,当用户订阅该服务时,他从一开始就知道自己会得到什么。我也明白向开发人员和极客提出此类问题并不酷,但在这种情况下我别无选择。
Any way to achieve this with Red5 and Flash player?
Right now this is theoretical only: I deliver streams with verification token that is dynamic for each video. Streams are over RTMPE. When a user asks for a stream, the server generates him a link to the stream with a unique token in it. He can watch it in the Flash player then. How can I verify that he's not downloading it? (After the user quits the Flash player page, the token is removed so he can't save the stream link forever). Does the RTMPE encryption + the temp-auth-token is enough? Maybe a way to allow only 1 user per a stream?
I don't have access to Hulu (Since I live outside of the US), but I'm sure they have some kind of this protection.
- I'm not talking about analog screen capturing. I just want the original file to be safe.
- I know that there will be always a way to capture the stream. I just want to make it harder so only computer-pros will be able to do this.
- The solution needs to be applicable in Java, as the whole server tools I'm using is Java-only.
- Please don't say: "You can do that by not delivering the videos at all". I'm delivering the videos to almost any device, and when a user subscribe to the service -- he knows what he gets from the beginning. And I also understand it's not cool to ask devs and geeks this kind of question but I don't have a choice in this case.
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曾几何时,Netflix 的订阅用户可以下载他们的电影。现在我相信 Netflix 使用微软的 silverlight 技术来防止下载。 Silverlight 可能是一个开始的想法。
Once apon a time subscription users of netflix was able to download their movies. Now i believe netflix uses microsoft's silverlight technology to protect from downloading. Silverlight might be an idea to start with.