我正在尝试寻找一种可靠且经济高效的解决方案来托管我们的少量 .f4v 视频集。我们是一家小公司,所以价格是一个主要考虑因素。我们还需要视频流。
我找到了 Vimeo,它很便宜,但他们不提供流媒体。
Viddler 看起来是一个很好的解决方案。它有点贵,但可以提供流媒体。
我们试图避免使用 Akamai 等企业解决方案。
我也了解 Red5,但更喜欢托管它。
I'm trying to find a reliable yet cost-effective solution for hosting our small collection of .f4v videos. We're a small company so price is a major consideration. We also need the video to stream.
I found Vimeo and it's cheap but they don't provide streaming.
Viddler looks like a good solution. It's is a little more expensive but streaming is available.
We're trying to avoid enterprise solutions such as Akamai, etc.
Any others out there?
I also know about Red5 but prefer to have it hosted.
使用 Amazon S3 进行存储,使用 Cloudfront 进行交付/流传输...相对便宜且易于设置
use Amazon S3 for storage and Cloudfront for delivery/streaming...relatively cheap and easy to setup
我之前使用过 CloudFiles by Rackspace 来托管 FLV,它非常< /em> 易于设置且非常 易于执行。不过,我不确定 Cloudfront 的成本效率。
I've used CloudFiles by Rackspace to host FLVs before and it's very easy to set up and very easy to execute. I'm not sure about cost efficiency to Cloudfront, though.