Has anyone tried proving Z3 with Z3 itself?
Is it even possible, to prove that Z3 is correct, using Z3?
More theoretical, is it possible to prove that tool X is correct, using X itself?
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简短的回答是:“不,没有人尝试使用 Z3 本身来证明 Z3”:-)
“我们证明了程序 X 是正确的”这句话非常具有误导性。
就 Z3 而言,如果至少对于不可满足的问题它永远不会返回“sat”,对于可满足的问题则返回“unsat”,那么我们可以说 Z3 是正确的。
这个定义可以通过还包括附加属性来改进,例如: Z3 不应崩溃; Z3 API 中的函数 X 具有属性 Y 等。
在我们就要证明的内容达成一致之后,我们必须创建运行时模型、编程语言语义(在 Z3 中为 C++)等。
然后,使用工具(又名验证器)将实际代码转换为一组公式,我们应该使用定理证明器(例如 Z3)来检查这些公式。
我们需要验证器,因为 Z3 不“理解”C++。
验证 C 编译器 (VCC) 就是此类工具的一个示例。
请注意,使用这种方法证明 Z3 是正确的并不能提供 Z3 确实正确的明确保证,因为我们的模型可能不正确,验证器可能不正确,Z3 可能不正确等。
要使用验证器,例如 VCC,我们需要用我们想要验证的属性、循环不变量等来注释程序。一些注释用于指定代码片段应该做什么。其他注释用于“帮助/指导”定理证明者。在某些情况下,注释的数量比正在验证的程序还要多。因此,该过程并不是完全自动的。
另一个问题是成本,这个过程会非常昂贵。这比实施 Z3 花费的时间要多得多。
Z3 有 30 万行代码,其中一些代码基于非常微妙的算法和实现技巧。
尽管成本可能非常高,但 VCC 已被用于验证重要的代码片段,例如 Microsoft Hyper-V 虚拟机管理程序。
理论上,任何编程语言 X 的验证器如果也是用 X 语言实现的,都可以用来证明自己。
Spec# 验证器就是此类工具的一个示例。
请注意,Spec# 使用 Z3 并假设它是正确的。当然,这是一个很大的假设。
您可以在论文中找到有关这些问题和 Z3 应用程序的更多信息:
http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um /people/leonardo/ijcar10.pdf
The short answer is: “no, nobody tried to prove Z3 using Z3 itself” :-)
The sentence “we proved program X to be correct” is very misleading.
The main problem is: what does it mean to be correct.
In the case of Z3, one could say that Z3 is correct if, at least, it never returns “sat” for an unsatisfiable problem, and “unsat” for a satisfiable one.
This definition may be improved by also including additional properties such as: Z3 should not crash; the function X in the Z3 API has property Y, etc.
After we agree on what we are supposed to prove, we have to create models of the runtime, programming language semantics (C++ in the case of Z3), etc.
Then, a tool (aka verifier) is used to convert the actual code into a set of formulas that we should check using a theorem prover such as Z3.
We need the verifier because Z3 does not “understand” C++.
The Verifying C Compiler (VCC) is an example of this kind of tool.
Note that, proving Z3 to be correct using this approach does not provide a definitive guarantee that Z3 is really correct since our models may be incorrect, the verifier may be incorrect, Z3 may be incorrect, etc.
To use verifiers, such as VCC, we need to annotate the program with the properties we want to verify, loop invariants, etc. Some annotations are used to specify what code fragments are supposed to do. Other annotations are used to "help/guide" the theorem prover. In some cases, the amount of annotations is bigger than the program being verified. So, the process is not completely automatic.
Another problem is cost, the process would be very expensive. It would be much more time consuming than implementing Z3.
Z3 has 300k lines of code, some of this code is based on very subtle algorithms and implementation tricks.
Another problem is maintenance, we are regularly adding new features and improving performance. These modifications would affect the proof.
Although the cost may be very high, VCC has been used to verify nontrivial pieces of code such as the Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisor.
In theory, any verifier for programming language X can be used to prove itself if it is also implemented in language X.
The Spec# verifier is an example of such tool.
Spec# is implemented in Spec#, and several parts of Spec# were verified using Spec#.
Note that, Spec# uses Z3 and assumes it is correct. Of course, this is a big assumption.
You can find more information about these issues and Z3 applications on the paper:
但是您可以使用 Z3 验证 Z3 的某些部分。
假设 Z3 是正确的,如果它只针对不可满足的公式返回 UNSAT。
假设我们找到一个公式 A,如果 A 不可满足,则 Z3 是正确的(并且我们已经以某种方式证明了这种关系)。
我们可以将此公式提供给 Z3,但
因此,我们可以使用 Z3 来查找 Z3 中的错误并提高对 Z3 的信心(达到极高的水平),但不能正式验证它。
No, it is not possible to prove that a nontrivial tool is correct using the tool itself. This was basically stated in Gödel's second incompleteness theorem:
Since Z3 includes arithmetic, it cannot prove its own consistency.
Because it was mentioned in a comment above: Even if the user provides invariants, Gödels's theorem still applies. This is not a question of computability. The theorem states that no such prove can exist in a consistent system.
However you could verify parts of Z3 with Z3.
Edit after 5 years:
Actually the argument is easier than Gödel's incompleteness theorem.
Let's say Z3 is correct if it only returns UNSAT for unsatisfiable formulas.
Assume we find a formula A, such that if A is unsatisfiable then Z3 is correct (and we somehow have proven this relation).
We can give this formula to Z3, but
So we can use Z3 to find bugs in Z3 and to improve confidence about Z3 (to an extremely high level), but not to formally verify it.