我不是这方面的专家,但我相信这是合理使用并且完全安全的 - 以 LibreOffice(或 OpenOffice.org)为例,它可以通过反向读取 Microsoft 文档不完善的、非标准的、专有的办公格式 -其贡献者的工程技能。
I am not an expert in this area, but I believe that this is fair use and completely safe - take for example LibreOffice (or OpenOffice.org), which can read Microsoft's poorly documented, non-standard, proprietary office formats through the reverse-engineering skills of its contributors.
我不是这方面的专家,但我相信这是合理使用并且完全安全的 - 以 LibreOffice(或 OpenOffice.org)为例,它可以通过反向读取 Microsoft 文档不完善的、非标准的、专有的办公格式 -其贡献者的工程技能。
I am not an expert in this area, but I believe that this is fair use and completely safe - take for example LibreOffice (or OpenOffice.org), which can read Microsoft's poorly documented, non-standard, proprietary office formats through the reverse-engineering skills of its contributors.