The only thing that I'd call a 'quality tag' would have to be fairly complete. Generally, I would consider a good tag to be short, to the point, but also explain exactly what went on, like so:
"Committed the public directory, containing the new logo (logo.png), the new stylesheet (style1.css), and with the javascript that selects checkboxes of parents if their children are checked in a hierarchical structure (checkheir.js), did some code refactoring, made it more readable, and added comments for easier comprehension -John Doe"
“提交公共目录,包含新徽标(logo.png)、新样式表(style1.css) ),如果他们的孩子在分层结构中被选中,则使用 javascript 选择父母的复选框(checkheir.js),进行了一些代码重构,使其更具可读性,并添加了注释以便于理解 -John Doe”
The only thing that I'd call a 'quality tag' would have to be fairly complete. Generally, I would consider a good tag to be short, to the point, but also explain exactly what went on, like so:
"Committed the public directory, containing the new logo (logo.png), the new stylesheet (style1.css), and with the javascript that selects checkboxes of parents if their children are checked in a hierarchical structure (checkheir.js), did some code refactoring, made it more readable, and added comments for easier comprehension -John Doe"