我们目前使用 Infragistics winforms 控件 v8。我们对应用程序的性能不满意,希望加快速度。是否值得尝试将这些 Infragistics 组件升级到最新版本?或者说他们现在更加臃肿了?
We are currently using Infragistics winforms controls v8. We are not satisfied with the performance of our application and want to speed it up. Is it worth trying to upgrade these Infragistics components to latest version? Or are they even more bloated now?
thanks in advance
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几个月前我们从 2008 升级到 2010.3。升级过程本身没有造成任何问题。根据我的经验,2008.3 控件和当前的 2011.1 控件在设计或运行时都没有明显的性能改进,但是我们没有出于性能原因进行升级,主要是出于支持原因。
由于 2008 控件现已不再支持,升级到最新版本肯定会帮助您获得最新补丁。
We upgraded from 2008 to 2010.3 a few months ago. The upgrade process itself posed no problems. In my experience there has been no perceivable performance improvement between the 2008.3 controls and the current 2011.1 controls at either design or runtime, however we didn't upgrade for performance reasons, mainly for support reasons.
As the 2008 controls are now out of support, upgrading to the latest version would certainly help bring you up to date with the latest patches.
如果您在 Windows 窗体应用程序中遇到一些性能问题,我建议您查看一篇非常有用的文章,其中解释了一些可以遵循的方法,以提高应用程序的性能:
If you are experiencing some performance issues in your Windows Forms application I would like to suggest you looking into one very useful article which explains some of the ways that might be followed in order of improving the performance of your application: