我有一个 ASP.NET 网页,其中包含两个回发事件,第二个事件正在中止第一个事件。第二个任务完成后不会按预期呈现。
我有一个 ASP.NET 网页,它实际上包含两个链接按钮。它使用 Telerik ASP.NET AJAX 控件,但我不确定该行为是否特定于这些控件:
页面 - 一个极其精简的版本如下如下:
<telerik:RadToolTipManager ID="RadToolTipManager1" runat="server"
Position="BottomLeft" RelativeTo="Element" ShowEvent="OnClick"
HideEvent="ManualClose" Animation="Fade" OnAjaxUpdate="OnShowItems" >
<telerik:ToolTipTargetControl TargetControlID="btnShowItems" />
<asp:LinkButton ID="btnShowItems" runat="server" Visible="false">
<span><%= ItemsPrompt %></span>
<uc1:X ID="XControl" runat="server"/>
用户控件“X” - 一个极其精简的版本如下:
<telerik:RadAjaxPanel ID="RadAjaxPanel1" runat="server"
LoadingPanelID="LoadingPanel1" RenderMode="Block">
<asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="CausePostbackButton"
Style="display: none" />
用例#1 - 成功
- 页面加载,并且 Control“X”内的 JavaScript 计时器激活LinkButton“CausePostbackButton”上的回发 [eval(__doPostBack(postbackButtonClientID,''));]。 (因此,这模仿了用户单击按钮)。
- AJAX 调用发送至服务器,n 秒后返回并导致页面以特定方式更新。
- 然后,用户单击 LinkButton“btnShowItems”,这会导致回发到服务器,n' 秒后返回并导致页面以特定方式更新。
用例 #2 - 失败
页面加载,控件“X”内的 JavaScript 计时器激活 LinkButton“CausePostbackButton”上的回发。 (因此,这模仿用户单击按钮)。
在服务器有时间响应之前,用户单击 LinkButton“btnShowItems”。
我知道 JavaScript 是单线程的,所以如果事件不能立即运行,那么它们就会排队。
I have an ASP.NET web page with two postback events and the second one is aborting the first. The second one then doesn't render as expected once it completes.
In Detail
I have an ASP.NET web page that effectively contains two link buttons. It uses the Telerik ASP.NET AJAX controls, but I'm not sure if the behaviour is specfic to these controls:
The Page - an extremely cut-down version is as follows:
<telerik:RadToolTipManager ID="RadToolTipManager1" runat="server"
Position="BottomLeft" RelativeTo="Element" ShowEvent="OnClick"
HideEvent="ManualClose" Animation="Fade" OnAjaxUpdate="OnShowItems" >
<telerik:ToolTipTargetControl TargetControlID="btnShowItems" />
<asp:LinkButton ID="btnShowItems" runat="server" Visible="false">
<span><%= ItemsPrompt %></span>
<uc1:X ID="XControl" runat="server"/>
The UserControl "X" - an extremely cut-down version is as follows:
<telerik:RadAjaxPanel ID="RadAjaxPanel1" runat="server"
LoadingPanelID="LoadingPanel1" RenderMode="Block">
<asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="CausePostbackButton"
Style="display: none" />
Use Case #1 - successful
- The page loads and a JavaScript timer within Control "X" activates a postback on the LinkButton "CausePostbackButton" [eval(__doPostBack(postbackButtonClientID,''));]. (So, this mimics a user clicking the button).
- The AJAX call goes to the Server and n seconds later it returns and results in the page updating in a particular way.
- The user then clicks the LinkButton "btnShowItems" which causes a post-back to the Server and n' seconds later it returns and results in the page updating in a particular way.
Use Case #2 - failure
The page loads and a JavaScript timer within Control "X" activates a postback on the LinkButton "CausePostbackButton". (So, this mimics a user clicking the button).
Before the server has time to respond, the User clicks on the LinkButton "btnShowItems".
In FireFox/Firebug, you can see that the first post-back event is "Aborted". The second post-back event completes (you can see the time taken reported) but the page is not visually updated.
If the "manual" button is then clicked again, then that works as expected.
My thoughts
I know that JavaScript is single threaded, so if events can't be run immediately then they are queued.
I know that if a timer fires an event that is queued and then fires the same event whilst the first event is still queued, then one of these events (the second?) will be dropped.
This is acting as if the first event is being trashed, but then the second event can no longer find its "channel" to write to.
However, if I change the "manual" Link Button to an Image Button then the behaviour does not change.
Any ideas what the problem is (and ideally a solution)?
Many thanks in advance
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按照迪克·兰帕德的建议,我们直接联系了 Telerik。他们立即想出了解决方案:
根据设计,如果您在收到第一个请求的响应之前尝试启动另一个请求,则 ASP.NET AJAX 框架会取消正在进行的 ajax 请求。例如,将 RadAjaxPanel 的 RequestQueueSize 设置为 3...
As Dick Lampard suggested, we contacted Telerik directly. They immediately came up with the solution:
By design ASP.NET AJAX Framework cancels the ongoing ajax request if you try to initiate another one prior to receiving the response from the first one. Set the RequestQueueSize for the RadAjaxPanel to 3 for example...
That worked!