使用 jQuery animate 时,有没有办法隐藏 webkit 浏览器中显示的工件?
我正在使用 jQuery animate 在网页上的项目中滑动。由于某种原因,只有在 webkit 浏览器中,元素动画的空间中才会出现伪影痕迹。有没有办法阻止或隐藏这种情况?
一旦您加载页面,它们就会在轮播中看到: http://www.mywebclass.org/~jeff /
I am using jQuery animate to slide in items on a web page. For some reason, only in webkit browsers, there is a trail of artifacts across the space the element was animated over. Is there a way to stop this from happening or hide it?
They are seen on the carousel once you load the page here: http://www.mywebclass.org/~jeff/
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在动画回调中,向下滚动 1px,然后向上滚动 1px:
In your animate callback, scroll down 1px then back up 1px:
而不是这些动画。在 jQuery for Designers 上有一篇关于这一点的文章,我会在找到它后进行更新。
更新:“面向设计师的 jQuery - 溢出的乐趣”
On this machine here, I can't see any trails, but i know the effect you're talking about.
It's not directly a solution, but I seem to remember that animating the left-property is very resource-heavy on slower systems. It would probably lead to an overall more smooth experience if you would work with a
is set and one larger slide, that you move by animatingscrollLeft()
instead of these animations.There was a post on jQuery for Designers about that, i'll update once i've found it.
Update: "jQuery for Designers - Fun with Overflows"
我只在 H1 中看到动画的剩余部分,我认为这是由于使用非标准字体造成的。
这不是一个解决方案,但如果您无法阻止它,您只需将网页向上或向下滚动 1 个像素即可删除这些小混蛋。
您还使用过时的 jQuery 版本(1.3 而不是 1.6.2),这有什么原因吗?如果没有,您应该使用最新版本
I only see the leftovers of the animation in the H1 which I think is caused by using a non standard font.
It's not a solution but if you can't prevent it, you can remove those little bastards by just scrolling the webpage 1 pixel up or down.
You're also using an outdated version of jQuery (1.3 instead of 1.6.2), is there a reason for this? If not, you should use the latest version
@font-face 文本左侧的轨迹在 Chrome 和 Chrome 中使用 left 属性进行动画处理。野生动物园。我发现使用文本上留下的一些填充并调整动画以适应可以解决问题。
Trails on the left side of @font-face text animated using the left property in Chrome & Safari. I found that using some padding left on the text and adjusting the animation to accomodate fixed the problem.