Adobe InDesign 服务器示例
我是 Adobe InDesign Server 的新手,很难找到一款好的厨房水槽应用程序。我从 SDK 获得的所有示例似乎都部分有效。我想做的就是从服务器端使用 InDesign 的母版页并编辑某些文本字段。例如,将名字和姓氏放置在特定的文本字段中。有谁知道有一个好地方可以获取显示所有功能的示例代码或者我将如何解决这个问题?
I'm new to Adobe InDesign Server and I'm having a hard time finding a good kitchen sink app. All the examples I got from the SDK seem to partially work. All I'm trying to do is use a master page from InDesign from the server side and edit certain text fields. For example placing first and last name in particular text fields. Does anyone know of a good place to get examples code that shows all the features or how I would approach this problem?
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评论(3) 有很多刚开始时有用的资源。特别是 包括各种常见操作的许多代码示例。
1. 从母版页列表中获取页面对象。
2. 迭代页面上的每个文本字段。
3. 以某种方式识别字段,例如通过在模板文档中设置脚本标签并检查迭代的每个文本字段的标签。
4. 设置文本字段的内容。 Has a lot of resources that is useful when starting out. In particular includes a number of code examples for various common operations.
As to your specific example, the typical way to go about it is:
1. Get the page object from the master pages list.
2. Iterate over each text field on the page.
3. Somehow identify the fields, for example by setting the script label in the template document and checking the labels of each text field you iterate through.
4. Set the contents of the text field.
许多 InDesign 官方文档都是片面的。
Jongware 还拥有完整的参考文档:
A lot of the official InDesign documentation is partial.
Jongware also hosts the complete reference documentation:
IDS 文档不够详尽的原因可能是处理服务器版本是经典 indesign 使用的扩展。因此,除了 ids sdk 文档中详细介绍的一些特性之外,您将找到 InDesign 脚本指南的大部分帮助;)
Probably the reason why teh IDS documentation isn't that exhaustive is that dealing with the server version is an extension of the classical indesign use. So the exception of some peculiarities detailed in the ids sdk docs, you will find most of the help with InDesign Scripting guides ;)