Update1 : 没有base64可以吗?
I would like to save an image url in the localstorage of html5 and then would like to set that image on a web page and also set a link to another webpage (that link addres is also in the localStorage) But how can I do that
Update1: Is it possible without base64?
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您需要使用 base64 中的图像进行类似的操作:
相应的 HTML Image 元素:
Yep you are doing it wrong!
You need something like this using image in base64:
The corresponding HTML Image element:
我相信,如今,在 localStorage 中存储二进制数据的唯一可靠方法是保留 Base64 编码的字符串。但您应该记住,localStorage 是有限的,并且图像可能很重(base64 使它们更重)。
我猜你正在尝试缓存你的图像。在几乎所有情况下,最好只设置正确的 http 标头,让浏览器为您完成所有肮脏而乏味的工作。相信我,情况好多了。
I believe, nowadays, the only reliable way to store binary data in localStorage - is to keep base64-encoded string. But you should keep in mind that localStorage is limited, and images can be heavy (and base64 makes them heavier).
I guess you are trying to cache your images. It would be better in almost all cases just to set properly http headers, to let the browser do all the dirty and tedious work for you. Trust me, it is way better.