使用 drupal 开发页面中包含多个部分的网站
我对drupal很熟悉。我想先行一步,开发一些复杂的网站。我遇到了网站 http://www.dakshintimes.com/
I am familiar with drupal. I want to go 1 step ahead and develop some complex websites. I came across site http://www.dakshintimes.com/
I want various sections in page like that. How do i create various sections in page like that. Should i create regions/ blocks in page and place content in that or which is the best way to do this.
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您可能需要查看 Panels 模块。它允许您设置具有多个列和行区域的页面。然后您可以将视图窗格分配给这些面板。
You would want to look at the Panels module. It allows you to setup a page with multiple column and row regions like that. Then you could assign Views Panes to those panels.