可以从 Google Analytics 检索访问过特定页面的用户吗?
我只想从 Google Analytics 检索此信息。它肯定会更加准确(真实的人,而不是机器人,独特的处理方式要好得多,等等),并且实现更详细的统计数据会更容易。
那么这可以通过 GA API 实现吗?要获取某个日期范围内特定网页的访问者列表,其中一些访问者将在访问期间登录并且我可以获得他们的用户名?我想我必须在登录时将访问者的用户名传递给 GA(我已经通过向 GA 发送带有用户名的登录事件来做到这一点)或在每次网页访问时(还不知道如何操作)。
如果这对于 GA 来说不是那么容易,我很乐意使用其他分析工具或服务。
We have profile pages for members of our website. I want to show our members who has visited their profile page. I currently implement this by recording traffic in our database. Some of the visitors aren't logged in and some are. When the profile page visitor is logged in, I can show the profile page owner a link to the person who visited their profile page.
I want to simply retrieve this information from Google Analytics instead. It's bound to be significantly more accurate (real people, not bots, uniques are far better handled, etc) and it'll be much easier to then implement more detailed statistics.
So is this possible with the GA API? To get a list of visitors for a particular webpage in a date range where some visitors will be logged in during their visit and I can get their username? I guess I would have to pass the visitor's username to GA upon login (I already do that by sending a login event with the username to GA) or at each webpage visit (don't know how to yet).
If this is not so easy with GA, I'm happy to use another analytics tool or service.
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话虽这么说,通过保存包含已登录人员的 UserID 的访问者级自定义变量,这相当容易做到。这会将他们的所有操作与该特定用户 ID 联系起来,包括他们访问的页面。如果您向 google API 查询访问该页面的访问者的自定义变量的值,您将得到您正在寻找的内容。
It's still a bit fuzzy on what is and what is not considered "Personally Identifiable Information". We've had some people reach out to Google directly, and even then we receive mixed answers.
That being said, this is fairly easy to do by saving a visitor-level custom variable containing the UserID of the person that has logged in. This will tie all of their actions to that particular userID, including the pages they visit. If you query the google API for the value of that custom variable for visitors who hit that page, you'll get what you're looking for.
如果您的网站设置符合您指定的要求,那么您无论如何都不需要 GA。我想您想在页面上的每个条目上加上唯一的标记,以避免重复,按天或按月,您可能只需要把它们放在纸/纸板上,看看哪个适合。
If you have your site setup as you have specified then you do not require GA in anyway. I guess you want to uniquely stamp every entry on the page to avoid duplication, by day or by month you may just need to put these on paper/board and see which fits well.