适用于 Windows Mobile 6.5 和 Windows Phone 7 的 Phonegap
有人使用 Windows Mobile 6.5 和 Windows Phone 7 测试过 Phonegap 和 jQuery Mobile 吗?如果有,怎么样? ;)
Did anyone test Phonegap and jQuery Mobile with Windows Mobile 6.5 and Windows Phone 7? If yes, how was it? ;)
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Windows Mobile 6.x 中的 PhoneGap 支持非常少(实验性的?)。
Windows Phone 7.x 的 PhoneGap 支持仍处于非常早期的阶段。 (本周才将其添加到 github.com/phonegap。)
PhoneGap support was only very minimal (experimental?) in Windows Mobile 6.x
PhoneGap support for Windows Phone 7.x is still in it's very early stages. (It was only addded to github.com/phonegap this week.)