I guess the advantage of long floats is not only that they can span huge ranges, which may or may not be useful, they probably also have a much larger mantissa (I refuse to use the word "significand" for this) than a double, which gives your numbers a higher precision.
But as someone said, scientists love those types. Probably for the above reason. Note that the libraries are often called arbitrary precision libraries.
I guess the advantage of long floats is not only that they can span huge ranges, which may or may not be useful, they probably also have a much larger mantissa (I refuse to use the word "significand" for this) than a double, which gives your numbers a higher precision.
But as someone said, scientists love those types. Probably for the above reason. Note that the libraries are often called arbitrary precision libraries.
科学家使用这种东西 - 偶尔使用任意大小的整数/浮点数/小数。
对于您来说,32 位或 64 位通常就足够了。
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbitrary- precision_arithmetic
Scientists use this kind of stuff - and occasionally arbitrarily sized integers/floats/decimals.
For you, 32-bit or 64-bit is usually enough.
See also: