3D 交互式网络部署 3D 建模

发布于 2024-11-26 09:21:54 字数 370 浏览 9 评论 0原文

我正在寻找一个可靠的工作流程,允许在网络上部署交互式 3D 模型(即:低多边形、低分辨率)。问题是如何以编程方式定位整体的部分(例如手上的各个手指)并以编程方式设置动画 - 不仅仅是旋转、缩放、移动模型,而是部分。通过将 Collada 导出到 Papervision + Flash,这是相当可靠的,而使用 Away 3D 和 Flash 则很难实现。无法通过处理和 .OBJ 导入真正实现这一点(根本没有真正的 Collada 支持)——我应该硬着头皮尝试 openGL + JavaScript 选项吗?(性能 + 访问似乎不太理想)。不适合商业工作,顺便说一句。 请提供建议(尽管我无法使用 Maya 或精美的建模软件;Blender 是一直使用的)。 我很感激对此的任何想法,谢谢。

I am looking for a dependable workflow that will allow interactive, 3D models deployed on the web (i.e.: low-poly, low-res). The question is how to target and programmatically animate parts of the whole (like the individual fingers on a hand)--not just rot, scale,move the model but rather the parts. This was quite dependable via Collada exported to Papervision + Flash, very much more difficult to achieve with Away 3D and Flash. Can't really achieve this with Processing and .OBJ import ( no real Collada support there at all)--Should I bite the bullet and try the openGL + JavaScript options?(the performance + access seems so much less optimal) .Not for commercial work, btw.
Please offer suggestions (though I don't have access to Maya or fancy modeling software; Blender is what 've been using).
I appreciate any thoughts on this, and THANKS.

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以为你会在 2024-12-03 09:21:54

很可能通过 unity Player 将模型/场景导出为网络可查看的格式。


这些工具大多数依赖于基于迭代折叠边的简化算法,从而将顶点合并在一起。基于连接边的曲率,成本与每条边相关联。维持大优先级 Q 并用于迭代地折叠最小成本的边缘。

此外,休斯·霍普 (Hughes Hoppe) 的渐进网格算法通常用于直观地选择所需的细节级别。


如果您使用的是 Unity:
该工具已经在 Unity 引擎中实现了这一点。它可以在 unity Asset 商店购买。
http://forum.unity3d.com/threads /149948-Cruncher-Polygon-Reduction-Plugin-for-Unity-Pro


Have you tried Unity?
Its very possible to export your model/scene onto a web viewable format through the unity Player.

For creating low poly models, you could have a simple workflow that is fairly automatic by using some polygon reduction/simplification tools.

Most of these tools rely on simplification algorithms are based on iteratively collapsing edges and thereby merging vertices together. A cost is associated to each edge based on the curvature of the connecting edges. A large priority Q is maintained and is used to iteratively collapse edges of minimum cost.

Also Hughes Hoppe's algorithm for Progressive Meshes is often used to visually select the Level of detail that is desired.

There are plenty of implementations of this available for reference on the internet.
How ever most are only for educational purposes. If you want to use this technique for production code, you're better off studying the algorithms and creating a more efficient implementation yourself.

If you're using Unity:
This tool already has this implemented within Unity engine. Its available for purchase on the unity Asset store.

Good luck.

我做我的改变 2024-12-03 09:21:54

GLGE,一个WebGL框架,根据这个GLGE 博客条目。演示位于此处,模型/动画之一位于http://www.glge.org/demos/frankiedemo/sheep.dae

我不确定设置这一切有多容易。当我不久前看到这个时,看起来您可以使用一些 XML 来控制事物。您必须仔细浏览该网站、其论坛、源代码和文档,以了解它们是如何组合在一起的。

GLGE, a WebGL framework, supports Collada models and animations according to this GLGE blog entry. The demo is here, and one of the models/animations is at http://www.glge.org/demos/frankiedemo/sheep.dae.

I'm not sure how easy it is to set this all up. When I looked at this a while ago it looked like you could control things with some XML. You'll have to snoop around the website, its forums, source code and docs to see how things fit together.

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