Hibernate 连接查询条件并获取包含两列的连接表
id(主键)、sku、数量、userId、状态、尺寸以及我还有的 productAvailability 表,我们在其中存储库存水平,并且其中有以下列:
product 表还具有与 sku 键上的 productAvailability 表和 cartitems 表的一对多关系
现在,对于状态 = 1 且 userId= 的每个 cartitems x 我们需要检查产品的可用性,如果可用,我需要 CartItems 行和产品的 BatchId:
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(CartItems.class,"cartitems");
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("userId", userId));
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("status", status));
criteria.createAlias("product", "product");
criteria.createAlias("product.productAvailability", "productavailability");
criteria.add(Restrictions.eqProperty("productavailability.size", "cartitems.size"));
criteria.add(Restrictions.geProperty("productavailability.quantity", "cartitems.quantity"));
List<CartItems> cartItems = criteria.list();
select * from cartItems
where productAvailability.quantity >= cartitems.quantity and
productAvailability.size = cartitems.size and
productAvailability.sku = cartitems.sku and
cartitems.userId = ? and
cartitems.status = ?
这样我无法获取 BatchId。我尝试使用 JOIN FETCHTYPE 但它仍然加载包含所有大小的 sku 的 ProductAvailability 表。有什么方法可以获取每个 cartItem 的 cartItem 和相应的 BatchId 吗?
I have a table cartitems where the items added to the cart are stored in. It has columns:
id (Primary Key), sku, quantity, userId, status, size and couple of other columns
I also have a productAvailability table in which we store Inventory levels and where I have following columns:
sku, size , quantity, BatchId (Primary Key)
Also product table has one-to-many relationships with productAvailability table and cartitems table both on the sku key
Now, for each cartitems with status = 1 and userId=x we need to check the availability of the product and if available, I need the CartItems row and the BatchId of the product:
I got till here:
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(CartItems.class,"cartitems");
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("userId", userId));
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("status", status));
criteria.createAlias("product", "product");
criteria.createAlias("product.productAvailability", "productavailability");
criteria.add(Restrictions.eqProperty("productavailability.size", "cartitems.size"));
criteria.add(Restrictions.geProperty("productavailability.quantity", "cartitems.quantity"));
List<CartItems> cartItems = criteria.list();
The above basically does following:
select * from cartItems
where productAvailability.quantity >= cartitems.quantity and
productAvailability.size = cartitems.size and
productAvailability.sku = cartitems.sku and
cartitems.userId = ? and
cartitems.status = ?
This way I cannot get the BatchId. I tried using JOIN FETCHTYPE but it still loads productAvailability table with all sizes of an sku. Is there any method to get both cartItems and corresponding BatchIds for each of the cartItems?
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加载 JavaBean。 BatchId,然后将以下内容添加到您的Criteria
In your example, you are only selecting items from the parent class, so it makes sense that you don't have access to child association data.
You could use
to select those fields you want (or really, need), and then use aResultTransformer
to load up a JavaBean. In your case, I would extend yourCartItems
class with a field to hold theBatchId
, and then add the following to yourCriteria
query:Note that you might need to add aliases to the Projection fields so that transformation works properly.
因为 CartItem 表和 ProductAvailability 表之间存在一对多关系。您的购物车商品模型中将包含一套、清单或袋子。在 hbm 中映射会是这样的。
现在..在抛出上述标准之后...您实际上可以..使用 getProductAvailability 并迭代并获取batchid。
Because you have a one to many relationship between the CartItem Table and the productAvailability table. You would be having a set, or list or bag in your Cart Item Model. and the mapping would be something like this in hbm.
Now.. after throwing above Criteria... you could actually.. use getProductAvailability and iterate and get the batchid's.