据我所知,devise 仅对电子邮件和密码进行验证,可以在初始化程序 devise.rb 中重新配置:
# ==> Configuration for :validatable
# Range for password length. Default is 6..128.
# config.password_length = 6..128
# Regex to use to validate the email address
# config.email_regexp = /\A([\w\.%\+\-]+)@([\w\-]+\.)+([\w]{2,})\z/i
如何添加已添加到 devise_invitable 邀请形式中的自定义字段的验证?
= simple_form_for resource, :as => resource_name, :url => invitation_path(resource_name) do |f|
= f.input :first_name
= f.input :last_name
= f.input :email
= f.button :submit
As I know, devise has validation only for email and password, which can be reconfigurated in initializer devise.rb:
# ==> Configuration for :validatable
# Range for password length. Default is 6..128.
# config.password_length = 6..128
# Regex to use to validate the email address
# config.email_regexp = /\A([\w\.%\+\-]+)@([\w\-]+\.)+([\w]{2,})\z/i
How add validation for custom fields, which has been added into invitation form of devise_invitable?
For example, I need validation for the first_ and the last_ names in the form:
= simple_form_for resource, :as => resource_name, :url => invitation_path(resource_name) do |f|
= f.input :first_name
= f.input :last_name
= f.input :email
= f.button :submit
Thanks in advance!
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