If you are looking for simple PDF functionality you might try this Simple PDF for Android there does not seem to be much else available. If you need OCR Suggestions for Android OCR as to the rest of it you are asking multiple questions, I suggest taking it one step at a time and asking one question per problem you encounter.
"CamScanner API enables your application to automatically detect page borders and smartly remove background. Enhance your image with up to five modes to make the contents clearer and more readable. Return processed documents to your app in JPG or PDF format."
我正在研究这样的项目,使用移动视觉 Api 它的结果非常好,但它取决于图像质量和文字字体大小,请检查此检查此链接
i'm working on project like this idea , Use mobile vision Api it's result is very good but it depend on image quailty and words font size check this likCheck this Link
如果您正在寻找简单的 PDF 功能,您可以尝试这个 Simple PDF for Android 似乎没有还有很多其他可用的。如果您需要 OCR Android OCR 的建议 至于其余的问题,你会问多个问题,我建议一次一步一步,遇到的每个问题问一个问题。
If you are looking for simple PDF functionality you might try this Simple PDF for Android there does not seem to be much else available. If you need OCR Suggestions for Android OCR as to the rest of it you are asking multiple questions, I suggest taking it one step at a time and asking one question per problem you encounter.
对于任何寻找简单方法的人,请尝试这个库 https://github.com/jhansireddy/AndroidScannerDemo
*Image此处返回的将是位图而不是 pdf,您可以稍后使用任何 mime 类型保存它。
For anyone looking for easy method, Try this library https://github.com/jhansireddy/AndroidScannerDemo
*Image returned here will be a Bitmap and not a pdf, You can save it with any mime type later on.
这是一个看起来很有前途的 API。
“CamScanner API 使您的应用程序能够自动检测页面边框并智能地去除背景。通过多达五种模式增强您的图像,使内容更清晰、更具可读性。将处理后的文档以 JPG 或 PDF 格式返回到您的应用程序。”
Here's an API that looks promising.
"CamScanner API enables your application to automatically detect page borders and smartly remove background. Enhance your image with up to five modes to make the contents clearer and more readable. Return processed documents to your app in JPG or PDF format."
我正在研究这样的项目,使用移动视觉 Api 它的结果非常好,但它取决于图像质量和文字字体大小,请检查此检查此链接
i'm working on project like this idea , Use mobile vision Api it's result is very good but it depend on image quailty and words font size check this likCheck this Link