在哪里可以找到 Drupal 模块的屏幕截图或演示?
我经常发现自己在 drupal.org/project/modules 上搜索用于特定目的的 Drupal 模块。然而,那里的描述提供的有关最终用户体验的信息很少。我最近查找的一个模块是相关链接。描述听起来好像它满足了我的要求,但我必须使用它来对网站进行线框设计,而且我不知道 UI 是什么样的。
是否有一个好的集中资源来提供 Drupal 模块的屏幕截图或演示?
I often find myself searching for a Drupal module for a particular purpose on drupal.org/project/modules. However, the descriptions there give very little information about the end user experience. One module I recently looked up is Related Links. The description sounds as though it does what I want, but I have to wireframe a site using it, and I have no idea what the UI is like.
Is there a good central source for screenshots or demos of Drupal modules?
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没有 Drupal 模块演示的中央存储库。有时模块作者会设置一个演示站点。查看项目页面(在 Drupal.org 上)右侧边栏中“资源”下的内容。有时会有一个链接“尝试演示”或“阅读文档”。如果不存在,那么您需要尝试自己安装该模块或在互联网上搜索文档或示例。
There is NOT a central repository of Drupal module demos. Sometimes the module author will setup a demo site. Look on the project's page (on Drupal.org) in the right sidebar under "Resources". Sometimes there is a link "Try out a demonstration" or "Read documentation". If it isn't there, then you will need to try installing the module yourself or search the Internet for documentation or examples.