You have read the datasheet right! - the Electrical Characteristics section.
Even if it appears to work, parts of it may have failed, or stressed to the point that they will fail soon. Any necessary over-voltage protection should ideally be designed into your circuit's power-supply design.
您已正确阅读数据表! - 电气特性部分。
You have read the datasheet right! - the Electrical Characteristics section.
Even if it appears to work, parts of it may have failed, or stressed to the point that they will fail soon. Any necessary over-voltage protection should ideally be designed into your circuit's power-supply design.
它会编程吗? I/O 端口是否工作?难道是散发出魔法烟雾?
Does it program? Do the I/O ports work? Did it emit magic smoke?
Likely, its dead.