标题说明了一切。我找不到方法来做到这一点....Refresh() 除了使程序崩溃之外不执行任何操作。
Title says it all.I can't find a way to do it... .Refresh() doens't do anything, other than crash the program.
The situation I'm in, is that I have a frame which is launched from the "main" frame. This frame makes changes to the "main" frame's menu bar and panel. What can I call to refresh the main frame, from the second frame?
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这个可以用 pubsub 来完成。让第二个框架向第一个框架发布一条消息,告诉它刷新。我实际上认为你会想使用 Layout() 。这就是我在删除或添加可见元素时通常使用的方法。从菜单中删除项目时,您不需要 Refresh() 菜单。至少,wxPython 演示中的示例没有这样做。
This one could be done with pubsub. Have the second frame publish a message to the first frame telling it to refresh. I actually think you'll want to use Layout() though. That's what I usually use when I remove or add visible elements. You shouldn't need to Refresh() a menu when removing items from it. At least, the example in the wxPython demo doesn't do that.