如何处理 Glassfish 包含的库与应用程序提供的库崩溃的情况?
我的 CXF JAX-RS 应用程序使用 jackson 将 POJO 编组为 JSON。这在大多数情况下都有效,但有一天,在编组深度嵌套对象时,它因 NPE 而失败。
经过一番调查后,我发现 Jackson 已包含在 Glassfish 3 中(通过 Jersey),并且删除了 jackson-core-asl.jar、jackson-jaxrs.jar、jackson-mapper-asl.jar
和 < code>jackson-xc.jar 一切都很顺利。我猜想 Jackson 1.7.1(包含在 GF3 中)有一些错误,这些错误已在我的应用程序(1.8)附带的版本中修复。
现在的问题是,为什么我一开始就必须这样做?我认为我的 war 文件中包含的库应该优先于 Glassfish 的 /modules
有没有比从应用程序服务器中删除 jar 更干净的方法来做到这一点?也许还有其他应用程序依赖于这些 jar...
顺便说一下,我们的 GF2 容器仍然存在问题,但我在 /lib
文件夹中找不到任何 jackson 库(没有像 GF3 那样的 /modules
A CXF JAX-RS application I have uses jackson to marshal POJOs to JSON. This works for the most part, but the other day it failed with a NPE when marshalling a deeply nested object.
After some investigation I found out that Jackson was included in Glassfish 3 (through Jersey) and after removing jackson-core-asl.jar, jackson-jaxrs.jar, jackson-mapper-asl.jar
and jackson-xc.jar
everything worked beautifully. I guess that Jackson 1.7.1 (included in GF3) had some bug that was fixed in the version shipped with my application (1.8).
Now the question is, why did I even have to do this in the first place? I would have thought libraries that are included in my war files should take presedence over any libraries in Glassfish's /modules
Is there a cleaner way to do this than removing jars from the app server? Maybe there are other applications that depend on these jars ...
On a side note, the problem still exists with our GF2 container, but I cannot find any jackson libraries in the /lib
folder (there is no /modules
folder like in GF3). Any clues on where Jackson might be hiding in GF2 (if at all)?
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告诉 Web 应用程序类加载器首选 WAR 提供的 JAR。
添加 WEB-INF/sun-web.xml (或 WEB-INF/glassfish-web.xml):
请参阅 http://jersey.java.net/nonav/documentation/latest/glassfish.html#d4e1927
Tell the Webapp classloader to prefer JARs provided by your WAR.
Add in your WEB-INF/sun-web.xml (or WEB-INF/glassfish-web.xml):
See http://jersey.java.net/nonav/documentation/latest/glassfish.html#d4e1927
asadmin deploy --libraries ...
参考:http://blogs .oracle.com/alexismp/entry/more_with_deploy_libraries
consider using :
asadmin deploy --libraries ...
Ref: http://blogs.oracle.com/alexismp/entry/more_with_deploy_libraries
Jackson 包含在 Jersey 和 Hadoop 中,如果您可能正在运行 Jersey 或与 Hadoop 系统交互;并且包含的版本通常很旧。所以这可能是“古老的杰克逊”问题的根源之一。
Jackson is included by Jersey and Hadoop, if you might be running Jersey or interact with Hadoop system; and versions included are often old. So this could be one source for "ancient Jackson" problems.