如何将视图拖出 RCP 应用程序的工作台?
我试图弄清楚如何从主应用程序中分离视图。据我所知,这是 RCP 框架中支持的功能,但我还没有看到如何启用/禁用该功能。我可以在视图层次结构中的某个位置设置一个属性来启用此功能吗?
I am trying to figure out how to detach a view from the main app. From what I can tell this is a supported feature in the RCP framework but I have not seen how to enable/disable the feature. Is there a property I can set somewhere in the View Hierarchy to enable this?
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只需将视图的标题选项卡拖出 Eclipse 窗口(例如,拖到第二个屏幕),或者使 Eclipse 窗口不是全尺寸的。
Just drag the view by its title tab out of the eclipse window, e.g. to a second screen, or make the eclipe window not beeing full sized.