我想制作以下布局,请参见下图,其中 EditText 视图的位置与箭头保持正确的位置。
下面的布局是我使用RelativeLayout 使用边距制作的,但是当有人在像HTC感觉这样的540x960分辨率手机上安装此应用程序时,这不起作用。
I would like to make the following layout, see picture below, where the place of the EditText views stay correct positioned w.r.t. the arrows.
The layout below I've made with a RelativeLayout making use of margins, but this doesn't work when someone installs this app on a 540x960 resolution phone like the HTC sensations.
Thanks in advance for your help!
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使用LinearLayout 和RelativeLayout 的组合。使用 LinearLayout,您可以在屏幕上创建在所有设备上都完全相同的空间。让您的顶级容器成为 LinearLayout。例如,要在您引用的图像中创建第二行,请执行以下操作:
Use a combination of LinearLayout and RelativeLayout. With LinearLayout you can create spaces on the screen that will be exactly alike on all devices. Let your top level container be a LinearLayout. For instance, to create the second row in the image you reffered to, do something like this: