从 AIR 应用程序拨打电话
由于 Skype 没有 ActionScript API,是否有可用于 ActionScript 3 的 http 调用 API?我想通过 AIR 应用程序拨打电话。
Since there is no actionscript API for skype, is there a http call API which I can use for actionscript 3? I want to make telephone calls from AIR app.
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查看 http://www.ribbit.com/platform/ 这是我所知道的唯一解决方案,虽然我自己从未使用过它,但我听说过一些非常好的东西。
Check out http://www.ribbit.com/platform/ Its the only solution I know of, and while I've never worked with it myself I have heard really good things.
Adobe 创建了一款产品,可以实现以下目的:
Adobe has created a product which allows this:
There's always red5phone, if air is backwards compatible with flash.
Twilio Client 是一个简单的基于 JavaScript 和 Flash 的软件电话,允许您从浏览器发送和接收呼叫。它在 Adobe Air 上应该可以很好地工作,尽管我还没有尝试过。
(我在 Twilio 工作)
Twilio Client is a simple JavaScript and Flash based softphone that allows you to send and receive calls from a browser. It should work great from Adobe Air, though I haven't tried it yet.
(I work for Twilio)