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好吧,您需要开始在此处查找。其次,前面说的有点对,有一些关于 Gtk+ 2.x 的书籍,你几乎可以将你学到的所有东西应用到 Gtk+ 3.x 编程中。我一开始使用 Gtk+ 2.x,不久之后 Gtk+ 3.x 就退出了。我换了新版本,迁移了旧代码,这就是我学习使用 Gtk+ 3.x 的方式,尽管不得不说这是一个不断学习基于 Gtk/Glib 编程的过程。
我的建议:学习 Gtk+ 2.x 有一些书籍和一些教程。我记得这个。你的另一个工具,主要工具是读取 Gnome 项目代码,来自 nautilus、gnome-control-center、gnome-utils 等的代码,几乎所有你想让你的应用程序完成的基本功能,都已经由一些 Gnome 模块完成了。
Well, you need to start looking here. Second, what was said before is kinda right, there are books about Gtk+ 2.x and you could apply almost everything you learn to Gtk+ 3.x programming. I started by using Gtk+ 2.x and a few time later Gtk+ 3.x went out. I changed to the new version, migrated my old code, and that was how I learn to use Gtk+ 3.x, although have to say that is a process of always learning with Gtk/Glib based programming.
My recommendation: Learn Gtk+ 2.x there's some books, and some tutorials around. I remember this. And your other tool, main tool to is to read Gnome Project code, code from nautilus, gnome-control-center, gnome-utils, etc., almost everything basic you want to make your app do, there's already done by some Gnome module.
我刚刚看到这本书出版了:《GNOME 3 应用程序开发初学者指南》
I've just seen this book came out: "GNOME 3 Application Development Beginner's Guide"
查看developer.gnome.org 上的10 分钟教程。它们是为 GTK 3.0 设计的。 (尽管 GTK 2 和 3 之间的基础知识实际上没有太大变化。)
Check out the 10-minute tutorials on developer.gnome.org. They are designed for GTK 3.0. (Although really not much has changed in the basics between GTK 2 and 3.)
Gtk+ 教程 &资源
向下滚动到 < 中的链接code>gtkforums.com 索引:Gtk+3.x with CSS
部分下GTK+ 编程教程“GUI 工具包”
您会发现:官方 GTK+3.x“GTK+ 入门”
http://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/gtk-getting-started .html
官方 GTK+3.x“C 语言教程、代码示例和平台演示”
http://developer.gnome.org/gnome-devel-demos/3.5 /c.html.en
GNOME 大学项目
http://www.gtkforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3& ;t=178162
Gtk+ Tutorials & Resources
Scroll down to the links in
gtkforums.com Index: Gtk+3.x with CSS
I suggest starting in:
Intro and first program
Also under the section
GTK+ Programming Tutorials "GUI Toolkit"
you'll find:Official GTK+3.x "Getting Started with GTK+"
Official GTK+3.x "Tutorials, code samples, and platform demos in C"
GNOME University Project
为什么不从 GTK+ 2.x 开始呢?我在我的项目中使用 GTK+ 2.x,最近将其更改为 GTK3+。大多数更改是对象字段,这些字段变为私有,现在必须通过方法进行访问。 GTK3+ 的另一个重大变化是弃用了 GdkGC。现在您必须使用 Cairo,而不是 GdkGC,但 cairo 已经在 GTK 2.x 中可用。在我看来,在后一个体育场从 GTK+ 2.x 迁移到 GTK3+ 并不是一个大问题。由于 GTK3+ 仍然很新,因此并非所有地方都得到完全支持。即:最新的 LTS Ubuntu 是 10.10,它不运行 GTK3+。 Windows 版 GTK3+ 也尚未得到完全支持。
Why don't you start with GTK+ 2.x ? I used GTK+ 2.x for my project and changed it to GTK3+ lately. Most changes are object fields which became private and now have to be accessed via methods. Another big change in GTK3+ is the depreacation of GdkGC. Instead of GdkGC you now have to use Cairo, but cairo is already available in GTK 2.x. In my opinion moving from GTK+ 2.x to GTK3+ at a latter stadium is not a big issue. And since GTK3+ is still pretty new it is not fully supported everywhere. I.e: the latest LTS Ubuntu is 10.10 which does not run GTK3+. Neither is the GTK3+ for Windows fully supported yet.