如何在我的 php 模板中包含 jquery 滑块
我对 php 语言很陌生。我购买了 php 模板,但我不知道如何将 jquery 滑块包含到索引页中。有人可以帮我吗?另外,在那之后,我想稍微自定义一下 php 模板。我需要多少 php 知识?
I'm pretty new to php language. I bought a template in php but I don't know how to include a jquery slider into the index page. Can anybody please help me on that? Also, after that, I want to customize the php template a little. How much php knowledge do I need?
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这取决于 PHP 模板如何工作。查看模板文件并尝试找到所需的 HTML。然后尝试将 JQuery 滑块放在那里。如果您使用 netbeans 等 IDE,请导入整个项目,然后在所有文件上查找一些摘录(您可以在浏览器中从网站的主页源代码中获取)。
It depends how the PHP template works. Look around the template files and try to find the needed HTML.. Then try and put your JQuery slider there. If you use an IDE such as netbeans, import the whole project, and do a find for some excerpt (which you get from the website's homepage source in a browser) on all the files.