编译 cpp-netlib v0.9 时出现未解决的外部符号错误
我正在尝试从 Visual Studio 构建 cpp-netlib 库2010 但出现以下链接器错误:
错误 LNK2019:无法解析的外部符号“bool __cdecl boost::network::uri::detail::parse_uri_impl(类 boost::iterator_range,类 std::allocator > > &,结构体 boost::network::uri::detail::uri_parts_default_base &,struct boost::network::tags::default_string)" (?parse_uri_impl@detail@uri@network@boost@@YA_NAAV?$iterator_range@V?$_String_const_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@4@AAUuri_parts_default_base @1234@Udefault_string@tags@34@@Z) 在函数“bool __cdecl”中引用 升压::网络::uri::详细::parse_uri,类 std::分配器>,结构 boost::network::http::tags::http_default_8bit_tcp_resolve>(类 std::basic_string,类 std::分配器> &,结构体 boost::network::uri::detail::uri_parts &)" (??$parse_uri@V?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@Uhttp_default_8bit_tcp_resolve@tags@http@network@boost@@@detail@uri@网络@boo st@@YA_NAAV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@AAU?$uri_parts@Uhttp_default_8bit_tcp_resolve@tags@http@network@boost@@@0123@ @Z)
经过一番挖掘发现,这可能与我正在使用的 Boost 版本 (1.46.1) 有关,但我尝试针对 1.47.0 和 1.45.0 进行编译,并得到相同的错误。
I am trying to build the cpp-netlib library from Visual Studio 2010 but get the following linker error:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "bool __cdecl
boost::iterator_range,class std::allocator > > &,struct
boost::network::uri::detail::uri_parts_default_base &,struct
referenced in function "bool __cdecl
std::allocator >,struct
std::allocator > &,struct
boost::network::uri::detail::uri_parts &)"
A little bit of digging turned up that this could be related to the version of Boost I'm using (1.46.1) but I have tried compiling against both 1.47.0 and 1.45.0 and get the same error.
What is required to get this library to compile?
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经过大量搜索后,我发现 此帖子和此来自该库的创建者,其中提到:
如果我在 cpp-netlib 标头之前添加该宏定义,我就可以进行编译:
在第二篇文章中,我发现还提到“您需要构建/链接 uri 库”,这听起来像是一个更好的解决方案。
不幸的是,我对 C++ 和 boost 的了解不是最好的,所以我只是选择了有效的方法。
After a lot of searching I found this post and this one from the creator of the library, mentioning:
I am able to compile if I add that macro definition before my cpp-netlib headers like so:
In the second post I found there is also mention of "You need to build/link against the uri library" which sounds like it might be a better solution.
Unfortunately my knowledge of c++ and boost isn't the best so I just went with what worked.
Any better approaches are welcome, though all I really wanted to do was compile the library so I can evaluate it for real use, so I'm happy right now.