在网络浏览器中预览 Excel、Word、PDF
除了 Google 文档之外,还有什么技术可以让我在浏览器中提供 Excel、Word、PDF 的预览,而无需下载和查看文档。安装任何新的东西(当然我希望他们至少有那些程序在他们的计算机上运行)
Except for Google docs is there any technology that will allow me to provide a preview for Excel, Word, PDF from within the browser without having to download & installing anything new (of course I excpect they have at least those porgrams running on their computer)
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您可以在 Word/Excel 中将文件另存为 HTML。我非常确定 Acrobat 也可以让您对 PDF 执行此操作。您还可以使用 VBA 和 Office 文档自动执行此过程。
You can save the files as HTML in Word/Excel. I am pretty sure Acrobat lets you do this with PDF too. You could also automate this process using VBA with Office docs.