有多种方法可以使用 Mac 地址、CPU id、主板 id 等来识别系统的唯一 ID。
但是,除了主机名或用户名之外,还有其他唯一的 id 可以识别系统的用户帐户吗?
并且相同或等效的标识符需要在 windows、ubuntu 和 mac osx 中可用。
There are various ways to identify a system's unique id using Mac address, CPU id, motherboard id etc.
But is there any unique id to identify system's user account other than hostname or username?
And the same or equivalent identifier needs to be available in windows,ubuntu and mac osx.
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如果您需要跨平台的东西,最简单的事情就是生成一个 guid 并将其存储在 admin/root 拥有的文件中。以下是使用 tivoli 文档中的 GUID 的示例。
然后您可以选择在配置计算机时或事后(无论哪种方式)将这些 GUID 存储在数据库中。
If you need something cross-platform, the most straightforward thing to do is to generate a guid and store in an admin/root owned file. Here's an example of using a GUID from tivoli documentation.
You could then optionally store these GUIDs in a database when the computers are provisioned, or after the fact, either way.