如何在 LWUIT 中创建多选列表或复选框组?
我正在开发 LWUIT 1.4,在我当前的应用程序中,我想向用户显示一个列表,用户可以选择尽可能多的选项。对于其他简单的情况(仅允许单个选择),我使用了 ComboBox,但对于多重选择我真的需要一个更好的解决方案。
带有复选框的 lwuit List 或 ChoiceGroup 的任何代码片段都会有很大帮助。
I am working on LWUIT 1.4 and in my current application I want to display a list to the user and user can select choices as many as possible.. For other simple cases (where only single selection is allowed) I have used ComboBox but for the multiple selection I really need a better solution.
Any code snippet of lwuit List or ChoiceGroup with checkboxes will be of a great help.
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请参阅这篇文章,LWUIT 列表复选框。 它会对您有所帮助,并且还可以查看此讨论。
See this article, LWUIT List Checkbox. It will helps you and also see this discussion.