我有一个 PHP 页面 foo.php
,它从 MySQL 数据库中提取记录并以良好的方式显示它们。棘手的部分是我在顶部有链接,例如“按名称排序”,链接到 foo.php?sort=name
我的一般问题是,如果我有多个 POST 变量(例如 sort
),则可能的页面数量呈指数级(在我的情况下为数百个)。有没有什么好方法可以保存所有这些页面以供离线查看?在没有更好的解决方案的情况下,我想我可以使用像 wget 这样的工具来下载所有页面的可能组合。如果这是解决方案,您能否推荐更好的工具来完成此任务?
编辑:回答为什么我需要这个的问题:我有一个会议的动态程序ISPC 20 我需要通过 USB 闪存驱动器将其分发给人们。我认为在这种情况下提供 WAMP 解决方案不是一个选择。
I have a PHP page foo.php
that pulls records from a MySQL database and displays them in a nice way. The tricky part is I have links at the top like "Sort by Name" that link to foo.php?sort=name
My general question is if I have several POST variables like sort
, there is an exponential number of possible pages (a few hundred in my case). Is there a good way to save all those pages for offline viewing? In the absence of a better solution I guess I can use a tool like wget to download all the possible combinations of the page. If this is the solution, can you recommend better tools for this task?
Edit: To answer the question of why I need this: I have a dynamic program for a conference ISPC 20 that I need to hand out to people on a usb flash drive. I don't think providing a WAMP solution is an option in this case.
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只需随 PHP 代码一起提供一个最小的网络服务器即可。容易多了。一些选项:
Just ship a minimal webserver along with the PHP code. Much easier. Some options:
你能用 JavaScript 实现排序(和/或其他功能)吗?如果是这样,你的问题就解决了。
网上有很多很好的库用于在 JS 中对表进行排序,包括 tablesorter。检查一下。
Can you implement the sorting (and/or other functionality) in JavaScript? If so, there's your problem solved.
There are a number of good libraries online for sorting tables in JS, including tablesorter. Check 'em out.