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有一个很好的解决方案可以将 FFmpeg 绑定到 C# 中。使用 FFmpeg.Autogen 来自:
它还在下载源代码时提供了一个很好的示例(并且它附带了适用于 32 位和 64 位的预编译 ffmpeg)!
There is a great solution for binding FFmpeg into C#. Use the FFmpeg.Autogen from:
It also provides a good example when downloading the source (and it comes with precompied ffmpeg for 32 and 64 bits)!
据我所知,没有干净的方法可以通过 P/Invoke 从 C# 使用 ffmpeg,因此所有这些包装器都是不完整的项目。您可以做的是创建一个 ffplay.exe 的进程(在共享版本下下载)并传递命令行参数。否则我建议使用 WPF 或 Silverlight MediaElement,具体取决于您的需求;它对大多数基本任务(例如视频和音频播放)有相当不错的支持。
From what I know, there's no clean way to utilize ffmpeg from C# via P/Invoke, hence all these wrappers are incomplete projects. What you can do is to create a process to ffplay.exe (download under shared builds) and pass command line arguments to it. Otherwise I suggest using WPF or Silverlight MediaElement, depending on your needs; it has a pretty decent support for majority of basic tasks like video and audio playback.
您看过VLC 媒体播放器了吗?它是一个功能齐全的媒体播放器,使用 FFmpeg 项目的编解码器。您可以利用它的核心功能,SourceForge 上有一个最近更新的包装器项目以及关于代码项目(如果您想创建自己的项目)。我个人没有使用过其中任何一个,但它们看起来相当容易使用。
Have you looked at VLC Media Player yet? It is a full featured media player that uses the codecs from the FFmpeg project. You can make use of it's core functionality and there is a recently updated wrapper project on SourceForge and a tutorial on The Code Project if you want to create your own. I haven't used either of these personally, but they look fairly straight forward to use.
我不认为这样的事情存在,坦率地说 ffmpeg API 仍然有些不稳定,所以即使今天有一些东西可以满足您的需求,但 2 年后它也有可能不再工作/保持更新日期。此外,在托管代码和本机代码之间编组数据相对昂贵。 99% 的情况下这并不重要,但在处理媒体(尤其是未压缩的视频帧)的情况下,它可能会对性能产生明显的影响。
在我看来,从 C# 处理 ffmpeg 的最佳方法是用 C 编写交互逻辑,并公开可以从 C# p/调用的更高级别的 API。如果有适当的低级包装器可用,情况仍然如此。
I don't think such a thing exists and frankly the ffmpeg API is still somewhat unstable, so even if there is something today that meets your needs there is a not insignificant chance that 2 years later it will no longer work/be kept up to date. Furthermore, marshaling data between managed and native code is relatively expensive. 99% of the time this doesn't matter, but in the case where you are dealing with media (especially uncompressed video frames) it can have a noticeable performance impact.
IMO the best way to deal with ffmpeg from C# is to write your interaction logic in C and to expose a higher level API that you can p/invoke to from C#. This would still be the case if there was a proper low level wrapper available.
I spent a good deal of time late last year looking for one myself, without success.
Currently, there is no stable solution for this, so the best idea probably is to wait until someone completes it.