我正在尝试保存对类变量中字符串的引用。 我希望通过取消引用来访问该变量。 例如,在例程 getHeaders
my $fileContentsRef = $this->getFileContent;
my $fileContentsRef1 = $$fileContentsRef;
$fileContentsRef1 =~ /Spaltenname.*?Datentyp.*?---\n(.*?)\n\n/gsmi;
my $fileContentsRef = $this->getFileContent;
$$fileContentsRef =~ /Spaltenname.*?Datentyp.*?---\n(.*?)\n\n/gsmi;
有关更多详细信息,您应该看到末尾的代码。 我的问题是,当我不使用副本时(即当我不使用 $fileContentsRef1
open FILE, "a1.bad";
$file_contents .= do { local $/; <FILE> };
close FILE;
my $log = auswerter->new(\$file_contents);
# Subs
sub new
my $fileRef = $_[1];
my $self = {};
bless $self;
if($fileRef) { $self->{fileRef} = $fileRef; }
return $self;
sub initialize
# Configuration
my $this = shift;
sub setFile {
my $this = shift;
$this->{file} = shift;
sub getFileContent
my $this = shift;
return $this->{fileRef};
sub getHeaders
print "HEADERS...\n";
my $this = shift;
my @headers = ();
my $fileContentsRef = $this->getFileContent;
my $fileContentsRef1 = $$fileContentsRef;
$fileContentsRef1 =~ /Spaltenname.*?Datentyp.*?---\n(.*?)\n\n/gsmi;
@headers = split ("\n", $1 );
foreach (@headers)
$_ =~ s/^(.*?)\s.*/$1/;
return \@headers;
sub getErrList
print "ERR LIST...\n";
my $this = shift;
my @errors = ();
my $fileContentsRef = $this->getFileContent;
my $fileContentsRef1 = $$fileContentsRef;
$fileContentsRef1 =~ /Spaltenname.*?(Satz.*)ORA.*?^Tabelle/gsmi;
return \@errors if !$1;
@errors = split ("\n\n", $1 );
foreach (@errors)
$_ =~ s/.*Spalte (.*?)\..*/$1/msgi;
return \@errors;
sub getEntries
my $this = shift;
my @entries = ();
my $fileContentsRef = $this->getFileContent;
my $fileContentsRef1 = $$fileContentsRef;
$fileContentsRef1 =~ /.*==\n(.*)/gsmi;
@entries = split ("\n", $1 );
return \@entries;
sub sqlldrAnalyze
my $this = shift;
my $token = shift;
my $errRef =$this->getErrList();
return "" if $#$errRef < 0 ;
my $headersRef = $this->getHeaders();
my $entriesRef = $this->getEntries();
my $i = 0;
my $str = "";
$str = "<html>";
$str .= "<table rules=\"all\">";
$str .= "<tr>";
foreach ( @$headersRef)
$str .= "<th>".$_."</th>";
$str .= "</tr>";
foreach ( @$entriesRef)
my @errOffset = grep { $headersRef->[$_] =~ $errRef->[$i] }0..$#$headersRef ;
my @entries = split($token, $_);
$str .= "<tr>";
foreach (my $j =0; $j <= $#entries;$j++)
$str .= "<td nowrap";
$str .= " style=\"background-color: red\"" if $j == $errOffset[0];;
$str .= ">";
$str .= "<b>" if $j == $errOffset[0];
$str .= $entries[$j];
$str .= "</b>" if $j == $errOffset[0];
$str .= "</td>";
$str .= "</tr>\n";
$str .= "</table>";
$str .= "</html>";
return $str;
return 1;
I'm trying to save a reference to a string in a class variable.
I wish to access this variable by dereferencing it.
For example in the routine getHeaders
instead of using:
my $fileContentsRef = $this->getFileContent;
my $fileContentsRef1 = $fileContentsRef;
$fileContentsRef1 =~ /Spaltenname.*?Datentyp.*?---\n(.*?)\n\n/gsmi;
I would like to use:
my $fileContentsRef = $this->getFileContent;
$fileContentsRef =~ /Spaltenname.*?Datentyp.*?---\n(.*?)\n\n/gsmi;
For more details you should see the code at the end.
My problem is, that the program doesn't work when I don't work with the copy( i.e when I don't use $fileContentsRef1
). What am I doing / getting wrong? Is it possible to reach the goal in the way I described? Could some give me clues how?
open FILE, "a1.bad";
$file_contents .= do { local $/; <FILE> };
close FILE;
my $log = auswerter->new(\$file_contents);
# Subs
sub new
my $fileRef = $_[1];
my $self = {};
bless $self;
if($fileRef) { $self->{fileRef} = $fileRef; }
return $self;
sub initialize
# Configuration
my $this = shift;
sub setFile {
my $this = shift;
$this->{file} = shift;
sub getFileContent
my $this = shift;
return $this->{fileRef};
sub getHeaders
print "HEADERS...\n";
my $this = shift;
my @headers = ();
my $fileContentsRef = $this->getFileContent;
my $fileContentsRef1 = $fileContentsRef;
$fileContentsRef1 =~ /Spaltenname.*?Datentyp.*?---\n(.*?)\n\n/gsmi;
@headers = split ("\n", $1 );
foreach (@headers)
$_ =~ s/^(.*?)\s.*/$1/;
return \@headers;
sub getErrList
print "ERR LIST...\n";
my $this = shift;
my @errors = ();
my $fileContentsRef = $this->getFileContent;
my $fileContentsRef1 = $fileContentsRef;
$fileContentsRef1 =~ /Spaltenname.*?(Satz.*)ORA.*?^Tabelle/gsmi;
return \@errors if !$1;
@errors = split ("\n\n", $1 );
foreach (@errors)
$_ =~ s/.*Spalte (.*?)\..*/$1/msgi;
return \@errors;
sub getEntries
my $this = shift;
my @entries = ();
my $fileContentsRef = $this->getFileContent;
my $fileContentsRef1 = $fileContentsRef;
$fileContentsRef1 =~ /.*==\n(.*)/gsmi;
@entries = split ("\n", $1 );
return \@entries;
sub sqlldrAnalyze
my $this = shift;
my $token = shift;
my $errRef =$this->getErrList();
return "" if $#$errRef < 0 ;
my $headersRef = $this->getHeaders();
my $entriesRef = $this->getEntries();
my $i = 0;
my $str = "";
$str = "<html>";
$str .= "<table rules=\"all\">";
$str .= "<tr>";
foreach ( @$headersRef)
$str .= "<th>".$_."</th>";
$str .= "</tr>";
foreach ( @$entriesRef)
my @errOffset = grep { $headersRef->[$_] =~ $errRef->[$i] }0..$#$headersRef ;
my @entries = split($token, $_);
$str .= "<tr>";
foreach (my $j =0; $j <= $#entries;$j++)
$str .= "<td nowrap";
$str .= " style=\"background-color: red\"" if $j == $errOffset[0];;
$str .= ">";
$str .= "<b>" if $j == $errOffset[0];
$str .= $entries[$j];
$str .= "</b>" if $j == $errOffset[0];
$str .= "</td>";
$str .= "</tr>\n";
$str .= "</table>";
$str .= "</html>";
return $str;
return 1;
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这两行基本上将 Perl 移出了快速单行代码模式,并转变为更适合大型开发的模式(改进的类型安全性、静态变量名称检查等)。
g< /code> 标志)。
When you call your
constructor with a filename argument, thenew
subroutine gets the class name as the first argument, and the filename as the second argument.In your constructor, you are simply copying the value of
(the filename) into$self->{FileRef}
, but that value is not a reference.So when you access it, there is no need to use a doubled sigil to dereference the value.
You should run all of your code with the following two lines at the top, which will catch many errors for you (including trying to use strings as references when they are not references):
These two lines basically move Perl out of quick one-liner mode, and into a mode more suitable for large development (improved type safety, static variable name checking, and others).
Per the update: If the code you have is working properly when copying the string, but not when dereferencing it directly, it sounds like you may be running into an issue of the string reference preserving the last match position (the
flag).Try running the following: