Emacs Lisp 的 REPL
Emacs Lisp 有哪些 REPL?
Emacs 中只有一个吗?
是否有一些在 Emacs 之外的终端内运行?
What are some REPLs for Emacs Lisp?
Is there only one that is within Emacs?
Are there some that run inside terminal outside Emacs?
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基于这个问题:REPL on console emacs,您可以使用
Mx ielm (较差的 emacs lisp 模式)。
Based on this question: REPL on console emacs, you can use
M-x ielm
(inferior emacs lisp mode).有一个(正在进行中的)用于 Emacs 的 REPL,可以从命令行使用。目前它支持基本的命令行编辑和历史记录。
代码托管在 Github 上。
There is a (work in progress) REPL for Emacs for use from the command line. It currently supports basic command line editing and history.
The code is hosted on Github.
Gitlab 上有这个项目。 REPL 可以在终端或 Emacs 的迷你缓冲区上运行。即使您在“无窗口系统”模式下运行它(使用
)。There is this project on Gitlab. The REPL can run on a termninal or on Emacs' minibuffer. Even if you run it in "no-window-system" mode (with
).也可以只运行 eshell
One can also just run eshell