如何避免 MDIParent C# Win 表单中显示多个子表单
当用户尝试打开已在 MDIParent 中打开的子表单时,我想避免我的子表单多次出现。避免这种情况的一种方法是禁用控制器(在我的例子中为 BUTTON),但我也为此功能提供了一个快捷键(Ctrl+L)。因此,如果用户键入 Ctrl+L,则会打开同一个子窗体,并且我可以看到 MDI 中存在两个子窗体。
private void leadsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
frmWebLeads formWeblead = new frmWebLeads();
formWeblead.MdiParent = this;
formWeblead.WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Maximized;
在图像中,您可以看到打开了一个子表单“Name Online Leads”用户第一次使用菜单(LEADS)打开两次,第二次使用快捷键打开。我不希望这种事发生。如果表单已打开,则应避免打开另一个相同的表单...如何做到这一点?
I want to avoid my child form from appearing many times when a user tries to open the child form which is already open in MDIParent. One way to avoid this is by disabling the Controller (in my case BUTTON) but I have given a shortcut key (Ctrl+L) for this function as well. So if the user types Ctrl+L, the same child Form opens and I can see two child forms are in MDI.
private void leadsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
frmWebLeads formWeblead = new frmWebLeads();
formWeblead.MdiParent = this;
formWeblead.WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Maximized;
I want to avoid this. How can I do this?
In the image you can see that a child form Name Online Leads is opened twice as the user opened first time using Menu (LEADS) and second time by Shortcut key. I don't want this to happen. If the form is already opened it should avoid opening another same form ... How to do this?
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the way i usually do it if i am only supposed to have one open is something like:
在表单 main() 函数中设置它
Set this in your form main() function
and this is the code the goes inside your menu strip slick event
其中 myForm 是您要创建的表单的类型
I personally prefer a generic implementation:
Then you can just use it like this:
Where myForm is the TYPE of the form you want to create
当您从菜单打开表单时,变量 frmRep 为 null
...所以我在第一个“if”内添加另一个“if”以验证我的表单是否可见,因为我有另一个表单,那么如果它不可见我创建一个实例并显示表单,但如果可见,我只需使用 Activate()
Fists time when you open the form from menu, the variable frmRep is null
...so I add another "if" inside the first "if" to validate my form is visible, because I have another forms, then if its not visible I make an instance and show the form, but if is visible I just use Activate()
您还需要代码在关闭 formWeblead 时将其设置为 null,但我相信您可以弄清楚该部分:)
The easiest way is to keep a reference to the child form, and only spawn a new one if it doesn't already exist. Something like this:
You also need code to set formWeblead to null when you close it, but I'm sure you can figure that part out :)
为了允许 1-n 个实例存在,最好使用信号量。
Would have been nice to use semaphores instead in order to allow 1-n instances to exist.
这是我为在单击 MDIParent 中的菜单时仅调用打开一个表单而创建的“方法”。希望这个“方法”能够帮助到您!
用法:甚至在 ToolStripMenuItems 上。
Here is the "Method" that I created for Calling open only one form when u click on Menu in MDIParent. Hope this "Method" can help you!
Usage: On Even ToolStripMenuItems.
You could check current open forms to achieve that:
I use this solution, with a little trick
防止 MDI 表单中出现相同子表单的代码
The code which prevents the same child form in an MDI form
The simplest ways of preventing multiple instance of child:
Then call it like this:
the simpleist ways of preventing multiple instance of child