查找给定位置(纬度、经度)是否在两个坐标的 BoundingBox 内(route-me)
我正在使用 Route-Me 项目开发 iPhone 应用程序。 我正在使用一种名为“latitudeLongitudeBoundingBoxForScreen”的方法,它返回一组两个坐标。以屏幕的纬度/经度定义东北角和西南角。这似乎工作正常。
I am working on an iPhone app using the Route-Me project.
I am using a method called 'latitudeLongitudeBoundingBoxForScreen' which returns a set of two cooördinates. Defining the Northeast and Southwest corners in lat/lon of your screen. This seems to work fine.
My question is how can I determine whether a given point (lat/lon) is within the boundaries of these two coordinates (northeast,southwest)?
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
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对于多边形中的一般点,点包含测试似乎可以假设一个简单的等矩形投影(x = lon,y = lat)。
如果边界框越过 180 lon 线,这将会中断。简单的解决方法是,如果穿过 180 经线的框将负经度添加 360。这不是一个有效的导航点,但它使数学有效。
For general point in a polygon, the Point Inclusion Test seems to work assuming a trivial Equirectanglular projection (x = lon, y = lat).
Since you know the north-east and south-west, you can compute the north-west and south-east corners. Also, keep in mind that your bounding polygon (box) must following a winding convention (you just can't throw points at the Point Inclusion Test).
This will break if the bounding box goes across the 180 lon line. The simple fix is if the box that crosses 180 lon line is to add 360 to the negative longitude. This isn't a valid navigation point but it makes the math work.
This also will not work around the poles.
I know that a long time has passedby, but maybe someone still interested.