显示 Curry 中的数据类型
Curry 是否能够在 REPL 中显示或漂亮地打印数据类型(使用PAKCS 或 MCC)?在 Haskell 中,此功能是使用 类型类 显示
。然而,没有维护的 Curry 实现实现类型类。浏览一下 PAKCS 库,似乎没有为用户交互提供规范的抽象数据类型表示,但有一些抽象数据类型定义了单独的函数来漂亮地打印它们。
作为参考,我正在为个人项目实现几种抽象数据类型。因为我无意将代码打包到具有交互式用户界面的已编译程序中,所以类似于 Haskell 的 show
Does Curry have the ability to show or pretty print data types inside the REPL (using PAKCS or MCC)? In Haskell, this functionality is impemented using the type class Show
. However, no maintained Curry implementation implements type classes. Glancing at the PAKCS libraries, it appears that no abstract data type is given a canonical representation for the user to interact with, but several have separate functions defined for pretty printing them.
For reference, I am implementing several abstract data types for a personal project. Because I have no intention of packaging the code into a compiled program with an interactive user interface, something approximating Haskell's show
function would be convenient.
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