适用于诺基亚 S60 5th 的 J2ME:蓝牙串行 API
我考虑为诺基亚 5230 编写一个 J2ME 应用程序,它可以使用串行蓝牙连接与其他设备进行通信。诺基亚 SDK 是否支持此功能?提前致谢。
I think about writing a J2ME application for the Nokia 5230 which can communicate with other devices using a serial bluetooth connection. Is this supported on the Nokia SDK at all? Thanks in advance.
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Symbian Java 环境支持它。看一下此示例 使用蓝牙 API 创建客户端/服务器对,这可能就是您正在寻找的。
It is supported by the Symbian Java environment. Take a look at this example for creating client/server pair using the bluetooth API, it is probably what you are looking for.