我见过 iPhone 用户如何从列表中删除 - 通常是一个滑动操作,然后显示一些减号/删除按钮。
什么是允许用户从 Android 上的列表视图中删除项目的直观好方法?
I've seen how iphone users delete from lists - its generally a swipe action and then shows some minus/remove button.
I realize that it is counterproductive to implement iphone things on android because android users don't know this stuff.
I don't want to do that, I just don't know of a better/intuitive way to delete from a listview.
I've previously opted for doing "longclicks" on listview items, which will show an alertdialog asking if you want to delete or do other things, but this is never an obvious thing to do.
I've seen delete buttons that are shown in each view, but that messes with the layout of the listview, in a way that wasnt' considered in the wireframes.
What is a good intuitive way to allow the user to remove items from listviews on android?
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在我给出答案之前,这是我的两分钱。任何拥有 Android 手机的人都会知道或最终发现长按通常会导致另一个菜单。是的,这并不是立即显而易见的,但他们会弄清楚这一点,就像 iPhone 用户已经弄清楚滑动操作是删除一样。
。 (有关复选框的更多信息此处)如果用户选中该项目,在底部弹出一个“软菜单”,其中有一堆通常与长按相关的选项。如果您查看 Gmail 应用程序并选中一个框,您就会明白我说的“软菜单”的意思。
您可以采取的另一种方法是实施复选框,然后有“菜单选项”。每个 Android 用户都应该能够看到并找出他们设备上的菜单按钮,所有设备都有它们。 删除菜单选项之一,一切就完成了。 .html#options_menu
Here's my two cents before I pitch my answer. Any one who has an android phone is going to know or eventually find out that longclicks often lead to another menu. Yes, it's not immediately obvious but they are going to figure it out just as iphone users have figured out the swipe action is to delete.
If you really want a fool proof way for a user to know how to delete, I would implement
. (More on check boxes here)If the user checks the item, bring up a "soft menu" at the bottom that has a bunch of options normally associated with long clicks.If you look at the gmail application and check a box, you'll see what I mean when I say "soft menu".
Another way you could go would be to implement check box, then have "menu options." Every android user should be able to see and figure out the menu button on their device, all devices have them. Make one of the menu options delete and you're all set.
我同意长按很糟糕,但这是 Android 上的标准;与任何其他手势相比,人们更有可能发现使用此手势。
另外,从 ListView 中选择某些内容后,在您到达的 Activity 上添加一个删除菜单项。
I agree that long click is horrible, but it is the standard on Android; people are more likely to be able to discover using this than any alternative gesture.
Also, put in a delete menu item on the Activity you get to after selecting something from the ListView.
In my view you should add checkbox to your list view and give a separate button for deleting items from list I mean to say that add a delete button in the layout in which your list view is also present and when user checks the item which he/she wants to delete and click on the delete button,the item which is checked by the user gets remove from list.