如何通过 eBay api 从 eBay 沙箱获取跟踪号码?
eBay 交易 API 不会提供跟踪号码来响应在 eBay 沙盒上销售的商品。该商品在 eBay 沙盒上有追踪号码。
The ebay trading api is not giving the tracking number in response for an item sold on ebay sandbox. The item has a tracking number on ebay sandbox.
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。
您还可以将 getorders API 与 eBay 结合使用。将需要该帐户的用户令牌,然后使用 ShippingDetails 响应。
http://developer.ebay.com/devzone/xml/docs /reference/ebay/GetOrders.html
You can also use the getorders API with eBay. Will require user token for that account and then use ShippingDetails response.
您需要使用:交易 API 中的 ShipmentTrackingDetailsType
可用的操作有:CompleteSale、GetItemTransactions、GetOrders、GetOrderTransactions、GetSellerTransactions、 GetSellingManagerSaleRecord(记录在同一页上)
You need to use: ShipmentTrackingDetailsType in Trading API
And the operations which have this available are: CompleteSale, GetItemTransactions, GetOrders, GetOrderTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, GetSellingManagerSaleRecord (documented on the same page)
您可以使用 GetItemTransactions API
这是一个示例我在 Python 中为此创建的函数的
您可以指定您想要的任何 OutputSelector,如链接的 API 文档中所述。当然,您可以迭代地获取这些详细信息并处理从任何其他端点收到的多个订单,例如您已售出的商品。
You can use the GetItemTransactions API
Here is an example of a function I created for doing this in Python
You can specify whatever OutputSelector(s) you want as described in the linked API docs. Naturally, you can iteratively get these details and process multiple orders you receive from any other endpoint, such as your sold items.