超越 CVS Eclipse 插件问题
我已经安装了Beyond CVS Eclipse插件版本0.8.9 我使用 Eclipse 3.6.2 (Helios)、Windows 7 64 位、Beyond Compare 3、subclipse。
第一个屏幕截图中为 Beyond Compare 指定的路径存在,没有问题。但由于某种原因,错误表明情况并非如此。我不知道出了什么问题。
I have installed the Beyond CVS Eclipse Plug-In version 0.8.9
I use eclipse 3.6.2 (Helios), windows 7 64 bit, beyond compare 3, subclipse.
I configured the external Diff/Merge tool:
But when I compare:
I get the following error:
The path specified for beyond compare in the first screenshot exists, there are no problems there. But for somewhat reason, the error says otherwise. I can't figure out what is the problem.
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您显示的用于设置外部差异/合并的 UI 是 Subclipse 功能。它仅适用于在更新或合并后启动外部工具来解决冲突。 BeyondCompare 插件可能在 Eclipse 中有一些 UI 来告诉它可执行文件的位置。
The UI you show for setting the external diff/merge is a Subclipse feature. It only applies to launching an external tool for resolving conflicts after update or merge. The BeyondCompare plugin perhaps has some UI in Eclipse to tell it where the executable is located.
Check your error log; maybe an exception was logged which tells you more.