Silverlight 或 ASP.NET 适用于速度较慢的老客户端
这是我的场景:我们的大客户要求我们将 ERP 解决方案的一部分开发为 Web 应用程序。他带来了数百名新用户,他们的电脑相当旧,带宽也很小。由于我们在构建 RIA Web 应用程序方面的经验非常少,并且我们仅在 .NET 框架中进行开发,所以我想问哪种技术在性能方面具有最大的潜力?带宽小是我们最关心的问题,旧电脑(512Mb RAM 或更少,WinXP)是我们第二关心的问题。
This is my scenario: Our big customer demands that we should develop a part of our ERP solution as a web application. He's bringing hundreds of new users who have pretty old computers on a small bandwidth. Since we have very small experience with building RIA web applications and we develop only in .NET framework I'm asking which technology have the greatest potential performance wise? Small bandwidth is our greatest concern, old computers (512Mb RAM or less, WinXP) are our second concern.
Thanks for any insight.
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您当前的团队在 .NET 技术方面的专业知识是什么?您的团队是否有交付 Silverlight 或 Web 表单或 MVC 解决方案的经验?
Silverlight 4 的最低系统要求至少需要 512 MB RAM。
关于 Silverlight 的未来也存在一些争论,因为目前还有很多悬而未决的问题。
在我看来,与 MVC 相比,Silverlight 的学习曲线稍长。
对于您想要支持的受限环境,我建议将 MVC 与 JQuery 结合使用。
如果支持流媒体等是您的要求的一部分,那么您可能需要检查是否可以在运行 XP 的客户端计算机上支持 HTML5 兼容浏览器(Firefox 5 支持 XP)。您可以在 MVC 中集成 HTML5 支持。
What are your current team expertise in .NET technologies? Does your team have experience delivering a Silverlight or Web form or MVC solution?
The minimum system requirement for Silverlight 4 requires at least 512-MB of RAM.
There is also some debate going on around the future of Silverlight as there are quite a few unanswered questions at this point of time.
In my opinion, Silverlight has a slightly longer learning curve compared to say MVC.
I would recommend using MVC with JQuery for the constrained environment that you want to support.
If you supporting streaming media etc is part of your requirement then you may want to check whether you can support a HTML5 complaint browser on your client machines running XP (Firefox 5 supports XP). You can integrate HTML5 support in MVC.
You will obviously need to do some feasibility study for both technology solutions.
但这意味着构建一个网络应用程序,如果您不熟悉开发,可能会减慢您的速度。 Silverlight 将更接近您所熟悉的内容。
It really depends what skills you have. A web app would be best as the only client requirements are a web browser.
But it means building a web app, which if you're not familiar with developing, may slow you down. Silverlight will be closer to what you're familiar with.
与 ASP.NET 相比,Silverlight 具有许多优势。但旧电脑对其限制非常严重。我建议使用 Silverlight 开发您的应用程序的一些“原型”,然后决定它是否适合此类旧机器(512Mb RAM 或更少)。
例如,访问 并查看它有多少内存消耗。
否则 ASP.NET 将是最好的选择。
Silverlight has a numerous advantages over ASP.NET. But the old computers is very serious restriction to it. I suggest to develop some "prototype" of yours application using Silverlight and then decide if will it be suitable for such old machines (512Mb RAM or less).
For a example visit and watch how much memory it consumes.
Otherwise ASP.NET will be the best choice.