That's not such a simple thing to do... Object Orientated programming is a paradigm, as is procedural programming and Aspect Orientated programming. So the short answer is: start off with a damn fine idea and proceed from there.
I got started in procedural programming using Pascal but that was a long time ago so there's probably something more appropriate these days. Maybe play with scripting a bit to get a feel for it. Python's friendly and you can pretend it's procedural if you want to.
找到一个需要解决且其他可用范例无法很好解决的问题,并找出解决方案。不是小事,但祝你好运! ;)
Find a problem that needs solving which no other available paradigm addresses well and figure out a solution. Not trivial, but good luck! ;)
我开始使用 Pascal 进行过程编程,但那是很久以前的事了,所以现在可能有更合适的东西。也许可以稍微玩一下脚本来感受一下。 Python 很友好,如果你愿意,你可以假装它是程序化的。
That's not such a simple thing to do... Object Orientated programming is a paradigm, as is procedural programming and Aspect Orientated programming. So the short answer is: start off with a damn fine idea and proceed from there.
I got started in procedural programming using Pascal but that was a long time ago so there's probably something more appropriate these days. Maybe play with scripting a bit to get a feel for it. Python's friendly and you can pretend it's procedural if you want to.