使用依赖图执行 Celery 任务
我希望 Celery 任务依赖于 2 个或更多其他任务的结果。我研究过 Python+Celery:链接作业? 和 http://pypi.python.org/pypi/celery-tasktree ,但只有当任务只有一个依赖任务时,这些才是好的。
我了解 TaskSet,但似乎没有办法在 TaskSetResult.ready() 变为 True 时立即执行回调。我现在想到的是有一个定期任务,每隔几毫秒左右轮询一次 TaskSetResult.ready() 并在返回 True 时触发回调,但这对我来说听起来相当不优雅。
I would like to have Celery tasks that depend on the result of 2 or more other tasks. I have looked into Python+Celery: Chaining jobs? and http://pypi.python.org/pypi/celery-tasktree , but those are good only if tasks have just one dependent task.
I know about TaskSet, but there does not seem to be a way to instantly execute a callback when TaskSetResult.ready() becomes True. What I have in mind right now is to have a periodic task that polls TaskSetResult.ready() every few [milli]seconds or so and fire the callback as it returns True, but that sounds rather inelegant to me.
Any suggestions?
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在最新版本的 Celery (3.0+) 中,您可以使用所谓的和弦来实现所需的效果:
来自 http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/userguide/canvas.html#the-primitives:
In the recent versions of Celery (3.0+) you can use a so-called chord to achieve the desired effect:
From http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/userguide/canvas.html#the-primitives:
Disclaimer: I haven't tried this myself yet.
mrbox 是 true,您可以重试,直到结果准备好,但文档中不太清楚,当您重试时,您必须传递 setid 和子任务元素,并且为了恢复它,您必须使用下面的 map 函数是一个示例代码,用于解释我的意思。
mrbox is true, you can retry until the results are ready, but is not so clear in the docs that when you retry you have to pass the setid and the subtasks elements, and for recovery it you have to use the map function, below there is a sample code for explain what I mean.
恕我直言,你可以做类似于文档中所做的事情 -
您可以使用 max_retries=None 的重试方法 - 如果“基本”任务之一 .ready() 为 false,您可以触发 .retry() 方法,直到两项“基本”任务均已完成。
IMHO you can do sth similiar to the thing done in docs- link
Or you can use retry method with max_retries=None - if one of the 'base' tasks .ready() is false, you can fire .retry() method till the both 'base' tasks are completed.