如何在 postgresql 中将 DELETE 的返回插入到 INSERT 中?
insert into b (one,two,num) values delete from a where id = 1 returned one, Two, 5;
I am trying to delete a row from one table and insert it with some additional data into another. I know this can be done in two separate commands, one to delete and another to insert into the new table. However I am trying to combine them and it is not working, this is my query so far:
insert into b (one,two,num) values delete from a where id = 1 returning one, two, 5;
When running that I get the following error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "delete"
Can anyone point out how to accomplish this, or is there a better way? or is it not possible?
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在 PostgreSQL 9.1 之前,您无法执行此操作,因为 PostgreSQL 9.1 尚未发布。然后语法是
You cannot do this before PostgreSQL 9.1, which is not yet released. And then the syntax would be
在 PostgreSQL 9.1 之前,您可以创建一个像这样的易失性函数(未经测试):
select move_from_a_to_b(1, 5)
。与两个语句相比,函数的优势在于它始终在单个事务中运行 - 无需在客户端代码中显式启动和提交事务。Before PostgreSQL 9.1 you can create a volatile function like this (untested):
And then just use
select move_from_a_to_b(1, 5)
. A function has the advantage over two statements that it will always run in single transaction — there's no need to explicitly start and commit transaction in client code.对于所有版本的 PostgreSQL,您可以创建一个触发器函数来从表中删除行并将它们插入到另一个表中。但它似乎比 PostgreSQL 9.1 中发布的批量插入慢。您只需在删除旧数据之前将其移至另一个表即可。这是使用 OLD 数据类型完成的:
如上面的答案,在 PostgreSQL 9.1 之后,您可以执行以下操作:
For all version of PostgreSQL, you can create a trigger function for deleting rows from a table and inserting them to another table. But it seems slower than bulk insert that is released in PostgreSQL 9.1. You just need to move the old data into the another table before it gets deleted. This is done with the OLD data type:
As above answer, after PostgreSQL 9.1 you can do this:
您的语法无效。 2 条语句是执行此操作的最佳方法。最直观的方法是先插入,然后删除。
That syntax you have there isn't valid. 2 statements is the best way to do this. The most intuitive way to do it would be to do the insert first and the delete second.
作为“AI W”,两个语句无疑是您的最佳选择,但您也可以考虑为此编写一个触发器。每次在第一个表中删除某些内容时,都会填充另一个表。
As "AI W", two statements are certainly the best option for you, but you could also consider writing a trigger for that. Each time something is deleted in your first table, another is filled.