如何使用 jxta 创建受密码保护的对等组?
我正在尝试使用 JXTA 创建受密码保护的对等组。为此,我使用了 JXTA 2.5 程序员指南中给出的示例代码。但该代码似乎不起作用。它有一些问题。有没有人有使用 JXTA 创建受密码保护的对等组的工作示例?提前致谢..
Im trying to create a password protected peer group using JXTA. For that i have used the example code given in the JXTA 2.5 programmers guide. But that code doesn't seems to be working. It has some issues. Does any one have a working example for creating password protected peergroups using JXTA ? Thanks in advance..
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在 JXTA 2.5 中,安全对等组没有经过彻底测试。受密码保护的对等组已经或多或少地被社区抛弃了,因为它们无论如何都不能很好地保护任何东西。它认为这段代码没有起作用。
In JXTA 2.5, secured peer groups were not tested thoroughly. The password protected peergroup were already more or less abandoned by the community, since they were not protecting anything well anyway. It don't think this code ever worked.