强制 Clojure 宏中的参数捕获命名空间

发布于 2024-11-18 02:37:33 字数 2030 浏览 2 评论 0原文

我正在开发一个 Clojure 宏来帮助构建基于 GridBagLayout 的 JPanel。我可以将宏内的默认映射中的 Java 类获取到名称空间限定,但不能获取作为参数传递的那些类。我需要什么样的反引号、引号、代号或其他内容的神奇组合?

(import [java.awt GridBagConstraints GridBagLayout Insets]
        [javax.swing JButton JPanel])

(defmacro make-constraints [gridx gridy & constraints]
  (let [defaults
        {:gridwidth 1 :gridheight 1 :weightx 0 :weighty 0
         :anchor 'GridBagConstraints/WEST :fill 'GridBagConstraints/NONE
         :insets `(Insets. 5 5 5 5) :ipadx 0 :ipady 0}

        (assoc (merge defaults (apply hash-map constraints))
          :gridx gridx :gridy gridy)]
    `(GridBagConstraints. ~@(map (fn [value]
                                     (number? value)
                                     (string? value)
                                     (char? value)
                                     (true? value)
                                     (false? value)
                                     (nil? value))
                                 (map values
                                      [:gridx :gridy :gridwidth :gridheight
                                       :weightx :weighty :anchor :fill
                                       :insets :ipadx :ipady])))))

当我使用默认映射中定义的 Insets 时,它被限定(不是“符号捕获”)为 (java.awt.Insets ...)

user=> (macroexpand-1 '(make-constraints 0 0 :weightx 1))
 0 0 1 1 1 0
 GridBagConstraints/WEST GridBagConstraints/NONE
 (java.awt.Insets. 5 5 5 5) 0 0)


user=> (macroexpand-1 '(make-constraints 1 1 :insets (Insets. 2 2 2 2)))
 1 1 1 1 0 0
 GridBagConstraints/WEST GridBagConstraints/NONE
 (Insets. 2 2 2 2) 0 0)

我不仅仅是想成为一个坚持者。我收到编译器错误,它无法找到正确的 GridBagConstraints 构造函数。

I am working on a Clojure macro to help build GridBagLayout-based JPanels. I can get Java classes in a defaults map inside the macro to namespace-qualify, but not those passed in as arguments. What magic combination of backquotes, quotes, tildas, or something else do I need?

(import [java.awt GridBagConstraints GridBagLayout Insets]
        [javax.swing JButton JPanel])

(defmacro make-constraints [gridx gridy & constraints]
  (let [defaults
        {:gridwidth 1 :gridheight 1 :weightx 0 :weighty 0
         :anchor 'GridBagConstraints/WEST :fill 'GridBagConstraints/NONE
         :insets `(Insets. 5 5 5 5) :ipadx 0 :ipady 0}

        (assoc (merge defaults (apply hash-map constraints))
          :gridx gridx :gridy gridy)]
    `(GridBagConstraints. ~@(map (fn [value]
                                     (number? value)
                                     (string? value)
                                     (char? value)
                                     (true? value)
                                     (false? value)
                                     (nil? value))
                                 (map values
                                      [:gridx :gridy :gridwidth :gridheight
                                       :weightx :weighty :anchor :fill
                                       :insets :ipadx :ipady])))))

When I use the Insets defined in the defaults map, it gets qualified (not "symbol-captured") as (java.awt.Insets ...):

user=> (macroexpand-1 '(make-constraints 0 0 :weightx 1))
 0 0 1 1 1 0
 GridBagConstraints/WEST GridBagConstraints/NONE
 (java.awt.Insets. 5 5 5 5) 0 0)

but when I pass it as an argument, it does not:

user=> (macroexpand-1 '(make-constraints 1 1 :insets (Insets. 2 2 2 2)))
 1 1 1 1 0 0
 GridBagConstraints/WEST GridBagConstraints/NONE
 (Insets. 2 2 2 2) 0 0)

I'm not just trying to be a stickler. I am getting compiler errors that it cannot find a proper GridBagConstraints constructor.

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树深时见影 2024-11-25 02:37:33

我不知道 GridBagLayout,但以下内容基本上应该与您的宏类似。如果您的组件的 :height 大于 1,则必须在其下方的列中添加 nil 以保持列计数器同步。假设您的 arrive-text-field 高度为 2,那么您必须在 depart-label 之前添加一行 nil code> row 以保持计数器正确。这只是一个快速破解。

(def default-opts
  {:insets   (Insets. 0 0 0 0)
   :width    1
   :height   1
   :weight-x 0.0
   :weight-y 0.0
   :fill     GridBagConstraints/NONE
   :anchor   GridBagConstraints/WEST
   :ipadx    0
   :ipady    0})

(defn grid-bag-constraints
  [x y global-opts opts]
  (let [{:keys [insets width height weight-x weight-h
                fill anchor ipadx ipady]}
        (merge default-opts global-opts opts)]
    (GridBagConstraints. x y width height weight-x weight-h
                         anchor fill insets ipadx ipady)))

(defn grid-bag-container
  [panel global-opts & rows]
  (doseq [[row-idx row] (map-indexed identity rows)
          [col-idx [target & {:as opts}]] (map-indexed identity row)
          :when target]
    (let [constraints (grid-bag-constraints col-idx row-idx global-opts opts)]
      (.add panel target constraints))))


I don't know GridBagLayout, but the following should basically work similar to your macro. If you have a component with a :height bigger than 1, you have to add nil in the column(s) below it to keep the column counter in sync. Say, your arrive-text-field would have a height of 2, than you'd have to add a row of nil before the depart-label row in order to keep the counters correct. It's just a quick hack.

(def default-opts
  {:insets   (Insets. 0 0 0 0)
   :width    1
   :height   1
   :weight-x 0.0
   :weight-y 0.0
   :fill     GridBagConstraints/NONE
   :anchor   GridBagConstraints/WEST
   :ipadx    0
   :ipady    0})

(defn grid-bag-constraints
  [x y global-opts opts]
  (let [{:keys [insets width height weight-x weight-h
                fill anchor ipadx ipady]}
        (merge default-opts global-opts opts)]
    (GridBagConstraints. x y width height weight-x weight-h
                         anchor fill insets ipadx ipady)))

(defn grid-bag-container
  [panel global-opts & rows]
  (doseq [[row-idx row] (map-indexed identity rows)
          [col-idx [target & {:as opts}]] (map-indexed identity row)
          :when target]
    (let [constraints (grid-bag-constraints col-idx row-idx global-opts opts)]
      (.add panel target constraints))))

Usage just as before.

悲喜皆因你 2024-11-25 02:37:33

这是我的解决方案。我在我正在编写的 Swing 应用程序中使用它。它已经为我节省了许多行代码编写(针对两个不同的面板),并且与手写代码一样快。

(defmacro grid-bag-container [container & args]
  "Fill and return a java.awt.Container that uses the GridBagLayout.
  The macro defines a set of default constraints for the GridBagConstraints:
    :gridwidth 1
    :gridheight 1
    :weightx 0
    :weighty 0
    :anchor :WEST
    :fill :NONE
    :insets (Insets. 5 5 5 5)
    :ipadx 0
    :ipady 0
  These defaults can be overridden in the call to the macro in two way:
    - If the first argument is a hash-map of constraint names and values
      (e.g.: {:weightx 1}), these will override the defaults for the
      entire container.
    - Each individual item (see below) can override the global defaults
      and container defaults for itself.
  The constraints consist of constraint name (as a keyword with the same
  name as the GridBagConstraints field), and a value, which can also be
  a keyword, in which case the appropriate constant from GridBagConstraints
  will be substituted (e.g.: :NONE == GridBagConstraints.NONE), or the value
  can be an expression (e.g.: 0 or (Insets. 2 2 2 2)).
  Following the optional container default overrides hash-map are one or
  more row specification vectors. Each vector represents one row and
  increments gridy (starting from 0). Each vector contains one or more
  item vectors representing the individual components to be added to the
  container. Each item vector has the component as its first value,
  followed by zero or more constraint overrides as keyword-value pairs.
  (e.g.: [myButton :gridwidth 2 :weightx 1]). The values may be keywords
  and are expanded to GridBagConstraints constants as described above.
  Each item vector gets the next value of gridx (starting with 0) in that
  For example:
    (grid-bag-container panel
      {:insets (Insets. 1 1 1 1)}
      [[button :gridwidth 2 :weightx 1.0 :fill :HORIZONTAL]]
      [[check-box :gridwidth 2 :weightx 1.0 :anchor :CENTER]]
      [[arrive-label] [arrive-text-field :fill :HORIZONTAL]]
      [[depart-label] [depart-text-field :fill :HORIZONTAL]])
  will expand to the hand-written equivalent:
    (doto panel
      (.add button
        (GridBagConstraints. 0 0 2 1 1.0 0  ; gridx: 0 gridy: 1
                             (Insets. 1 1 1 1) 0 0))
      (.add check-box
        (GridBagConstraints. 0 1 2 1 1.0 0  ; gridx: 0 gridy: 1
                             (Insets. 1 1 1 1) 0 0))
      (.add arrive-label
        (GridBagConstraints. 0 2 1 1 0 0    ; gridx: 0 gridy: 2
                             (Insets. 1 1 1 1) 0 0))
      (.add arrive-text-field
        (GridBagConstraints. 1 2 1 1 0 0    ; gridx: 1 gridy: 2
                             (Insets. 1 1 1 1) 0 0))
      (.add depart-label
        (GridBagConstraints. 0 3 1 1 0 0    ; gridx: 0 gridy: 3
                             (Insets. 1 1 1 1) 0 0))
      (.add depart-text-field
        (GridBagConstraints. 1 3 1 1 0 0    ; gridx: 1 gridy: 3
                             (Insets. 1 1 1 1) 0 0))
  @param container the java.awt.Container to fill
  @param args the components and GridBagContraints speicifcations
  @returns the filled Container"
  (let [global-defaults
        {:gridwidth 1
         :gridheight 1
         :weightx 0
         :weighty 0
         :anchor :WEST
         :fill :NONE
         :insets `(Insets. 5 5 5 5)
         :ipadx 0
         :ipady 0}

        [defaults rows]
        (if (map? (first args))
          [(into global-defaults (first args)) (rest args)]
          [global-defaults args])]
    `(doto ~container
      ~@(loop [gridy 0 rows rows ret []]
        (if (seq rows)
          (recur (inc gridy) (rest rows)
            (into ret
              (let [row (first rows)]
                (loop [gridx 0 row row ret []]
                  (if (seq row)
                    (recur (inc gridx) (rest row)
                      (conj ret
                        (let [item
                              (first row)

                              (first item)

                              (assoc (merge defaults
                                            (apply hash-map (rest item)))
                                :gridx gridx :gridy gridy)

                              (map (fn [value]
                                (if (keyword? value)
                                  `(. GridBagConstraints
                                      ~(symbol (name value)))
                                (map constraints
                                  [:gridx :gridy :gridwidth :gridheight
                                   :weightx :weighty :anchor :fill
                                   :insets :ipadx :ipady]))]
                          `(.add ~component (new GridBagConstraints

感谢amalloyuser100464< /a> 和 kotarak 寻求帮助。

Here is my solution. I am using it in a Swing application that I am writing. It has already saved me many lines of code writing (for two different panels) and will be as fast as hand-written code.

(defmacro grid-bag-container [container & args]
  "Fill and return a java.awt.Container that uses the GridBagLayout.
  The macro defines a set of default constraints for the GridBagConstraints:
    :gridwidth 1
    :gridheight 1
    :weightx 0
    :weighty 0
    :anchor :WEST
    :fill :NONE
    :insets (Insets. 5 5 5 5)
    :ipadx 0
    :ipady 0
  These defaults can be overridden in the call to the macro in two way:
    - If the first argument is a hash-map of constraint names and values
      (e.g.: {:weightx 1}), these will override the defaults for the
      entire container.
    - Each individual item (see below) can override the global defaults
      and container defaults for itself.
  The constraints consist of constraint name (as a keyword with the same
  name as the GridBagConstraints field), and a value, which can also be
  a keyword, in which case the appropriate constant from GridBagConstraints
  will be substituted (e.g.: :NONE == GridBagConstraints.NONE), or the value
  can be an expression (e.g.: 0 or (Insets. 2 2 2 2)).
  Following the optional container default overrides hash-map are one or
  more row specification vectors. Each vector represents one row and
  increments gridy (starting from 0). Each vector contains one or more
  item vectors representing the individual components to be added to the
  container. Each item vector has the component as its first value,
  followed by zero or more constraint overrides as keyword-value pairs.
  (e.g.: [myButton :gridwidth 2 :weightx 1]). The values may be keywords
  and are expanded to GridBagConstraints constants as described above.
  Each item vector gets the next value of gridx (starting with 0) in that
  For example:
    (grid-bag-container panel
      {:insets (Insets. 1 1 1 1)}
      [[button :gridwidth 2 :weightx 1.0 :fill :HORIZONTAL]]
      [[check-box :gridwidth 2 :weightx 1.0 :anchor :CENTER]]
      [[arrive-label] [arrive-text-field :fill :HORIZONTAL]]
      [[depart-label] [depart-text-field :fill :HORIZONTAL]])
  will expand to the hand-written equivalent:
    (doto panel
      (.add button
        (GridBagConstraints. 0 0 2 1 1.0 0  ; gridx: 0 gridy: 1
                             (Insets. 1 1 1 1) 0 0))
      (.add check-box
        (GridBagConstraints. 0 1 2 1 1.0 0  ; gridx: 0 gridy: 1
                             (Insets. 1 1 1 1) 0 0))
      (.add arrive-label
        (GridBagConstraints. 0 2 1 1 0 0    ; gridx: 0 gridy: 2
                             (Insets. 1 1 1 1) 0 0))
      (.add arrive-text-field
        (GridBagConstraints. 1 2 1 1 0 0    ; gridx: 1 gridy: 2
                             (Insets. 1 1 1 1) 0 0))
      (.add depart-label
        (GridBagConstraints. 0 3 1 1 0 0    ; gridx: 0 gridy: 3
                             (Insets. 1 1 1 1) 0 0))
      (.add depart-text-field
        (GridBagConstraints. 1 3 1 1 0 0    ; gridx: 1 gridy: 3
                             (Insets. 1 1 1 1) 0 0))
  @param container the java.awt.Container to fill
  @param args the components and GridBagContraints speicifcations
  @returns the filled Container"
  (let [global-defaults
        {:gridwidth 1
         :gridheight 1
         :weightx 0
         :weighty 0
         :anchor :WEST
         :fill :NONE
         :insets `(Insets. 5 5 5 5)
         :ipadx 0
         :ipady 0}

        [defaults rows]
        (if (map? (first args))
          [(into global-defaults (first args)) (rest args)]
          [global-defaults args])]
    `(doto ~container
      ~@(loop [gridy 0 rows rows ret []]
        (if (seq rows)
          (recur (inc gridy) (rest rows)
            (into ret
              (let [row (first rows)]
                (loop [gridx 0 row row ret []]
                  (if (seq row)
                    (recur (inc gridx) (rest row)
                      (conj ret
                        (let [item
                              (first row)

                              (first item)

                              (assoc (merge defaults
                                            (apply hash-map (rest item)))
                                :gridx gridx :gridy gridy)

                              (map (fn [value]
                                (if (keyword? value)
                                  `(. GridBagConstraints
                                      ~(symbol (name value)))
                                (map constraints
                                  [:gridx :gridy :gridwidth :gridheight
                                   :weightx :weighty :anchor :fill
                                   :insets :ipadx :ipady]))]
                          `(.add ~component (new GridBagConstraints

Thanks to amalloy, user100464, and kotarak for the help.

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