UPnP 控制点可以在 Media Render 上显示 UI
我需要设计 UPnP 控制点设备来远程控制 DLNA 认证的电视盒。
问题是 UPnP 控制点可以在 Media Render 上显示 UI 吗?我的意思是我如何创建简单的控制点设备(如电视遥控器),没有任何显示器,例如,有人可以想象 UPnP 操纵杆。
目前,我认为唯一的方法是使用我的菜单将 HTML(+Javasript)页面发送到电视盒,然后 JavaScript 电视将订阅我的控制点设备上的“光标移动”事件。当我向左移动操纵杆时,电视上的光标也会向左移动。这是真实场景吗?
i've need to design UPnP control point device to remote control DLNA-certified TV box.
The question is could UPnP control point display UI on Media Render ? What I mean is how I could create simple control point device (like remote controller for TV), that have not any display, for example, someone could imagine UPnP Joystick.
For now, I see the only way is to send HTML (+Javasript) page to TV Box with my menu and then TV by javascript would subsribe to "cursor move" event on my control point device. And when I move my joystick to the left the cursor on TV also move to the left. Is it real scenario ?
Thank you
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您应该查看电视盒(或机顶盒)的设备描述。这可能包含指向控制设备的 UI 的链接,这可能有帮助,也可能没有(更有可能)。如果您想推出自己的服务,则只能使用设备公开的服务。
当然,除非该设备公开其他服务,例如三星智能电视,公开 UPnP 服务以允许远程控制电视。但这不是 DLNA 的一部分。
本质上,请查看您盒子的 UPnP 设备和服务说明,看看它能为您提供什么。您可以使用类似 Intel设备间谍 来执行此操作。不过,我认为您无法将 HTML 和 JavaScript 推送到您的电视上。相反,您应该在移动设备上实现用户输入(触摸、鼠标移动等)的事件处理,并通过 SOAP/UPnP 使用公开的服务。
根据您的目标平台,您需要为此携带自己的 UPnP 库。 Cling 是一个 Java 库,应该也可以在 Android 上运行。目前尚不可能仅使用 Web 技术来实现 UPnP 客户端(尽管使用 NetworkServiceDiscovery 可能会在未来)。
You should have a look at the device description of the TV box (or STB). This may contain a link to a UI to control the device, which might or might not (more likely) be helpful. If you want to roll your own, you are stuck with using the services exposed by the device.
Of course unless this device exposes other services like e.g. Samsung Smart TVs do, which expose a UPnP service to allow remote control of the TV. This is not part of DLNA though.
In essence, check out the UPnP device and service descriptions for your box and see what it offers you. You could use something like Intel Device Spy to do this. I don't think you will be able to push HTML and JavaScript to your TV though. Instead you should rather implement the event handling for user input (touch, mousemove, whatever) on let's say a mobile device and use the exposed services via SOAP/UPnP.
Depending on what platform you are targeting, you will need to bring your own UPnP library for that. Cling is a Java library that is supposed to work on Android too. It is not yet possible to use only Web technologies to implement a UPnP client (although with NetworkServiceDiscovery it may be in the future).