我正在寻找一个回声抑制库以放入 VoIP 应用程序中(使用 pjsip)。开源或商业。该应用程序是用 C++ 编写的(Windows、Mac 以及即将推出的 Linux)。
我尝试过几种回声消除器(免费的和商业的),但效果不佳。因此,我正在寻找一种更简单的方法,至少能够为用户提供熟悉使用 Skype 的用户体验。 pjsip 中的回声抑制器对于我的使用来说效果不够好(它无法在太多机器上提供良好的回声抑制 - 无论是 PC 还是 Mac)。
注意:在有人将其错误地解释为关于回声消除的重复问题后,重新添加了该问题。回声消除是 VoIP 应用中处理回声的一种更现代、更流行的方法,但它与回声抑制有根本的不同。回声抑制使用更少的 CPU(= 笔记本电脑的电池寿命更长),并且更强大(现代 PC 硬件可能会造成很多阻碍回声消除工作的障碍)。我专门/不/寻找回声消除库。
I'm looking for an echo suppression library to put into a VoIP application (using pjsip). Open Source or commercial. The application is written in C++ (Windows, Mac and soon to come Linux).
I have tried several echo cancelers (both free and commercial), without good results. So I'm looking for something simpler that will give at least the user expecience users have been familiar with using Skype. The Echo Suppressor in pjsip does not work well enough for my use (it fails to provide good echo suppression on too many machines - both PC and Mac).
NB: Re-added the question, after someone mis-interpereted it as a duplicate about echo cancellation. Echo cancellation is a more modern and popular approach for handling echo in VoIP applications, but it is fundamentally different from Echo Suppression. Echo Suppression uses less CPU (= better battery life on laptops), and is more robust (modern PC hardware can make alot of obstacles that prevents echo cancellation from working). I am specifically /not/ looking for an Echo Canceling library.
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speex 在参考库中具有回声消除功能,因为它是编解码器的一部分,并且似乎将其导出为API,所以我想你也许可以使用它。请参阅此处
编辑 嗯,看起来这就是 pjsip 使用的...抱歉,无用的答案:(
speex has echo cancellation in the reference library since it's part of the codec, and it seems to export that as part of the API so I think you might be able to use that. See here
EDIT hmm, looks like that's what the one used by pjsip is... sorry, useless answer :(
经过几个月的研究,我们放弃了常见的开源和商业 AEC 实现。然后我们将媒体堆栈移至 Google 的语音引擎(Chrome 的 WebRTC 代码库的一部分),猜猜看 - AEC 在大多数情况下都运行良好(在使用外部扬声器时,我们在 Apple/OS X 上仍然存在一些问题)。
After months of research, we gave up both common open source and commercial AEC implementations. Then we moved our media stack to Google's Voice Engine (part of Chromes WebRTC code base), and guess what - AEC works very well most of the time (we still have some problems with Apple/OS X when using external speakers).